Page 335 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 335

Chapter 20

   Ten Questions to Ask Before
      You Choose a Name

In This Chapter

ᮣ Figuring out what kind of name you want
ᮣ Looking at a name from every angle
ᮣ Determining whether the name you want is available

   Your name is the key to your brand image in your customer’s mind.
                       Chosen well, it will unlock an image that is unique, memorable, appro-
                priate, likeable, and capable of advancing a promise for your business.

                Here are ten questions to ask before committing to or changing your business

What Kind of Name Do You Want?

                Most business names fit into one of the following categories:

                  ߜ The owner’s name: If Jim Smith is opening an accounting firm, he can
                      name it Jim Smith Accounting. The name is easy to choose, easy to regis-
                      ter, and sure to put forth the promise that Jim Smith is proud of this
                      business and willing to give it his own name. On the downside, the name
                      is hard to pass along if Jim decides he wants to sell his practice.

                  ߜ A geographic name: If a new financial institution calls itself Central Coast
                      Bank, the name has local market appeal but it restricts the institution
                      from expanding outside the Central Coast area.

                  ߜ An alphabet name: With a name like ABC Paving, you can assure your-
                      self first place in the Yellow Pages — if the name is available. Be aware,
                      however, that alphabet soup names are generic and don’t advance a per-
                      sonality or promise.
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