Page 341 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 341

Chapter 21

      Ten Ideas to Embrace
        and Ten to Avoid

In This Chapter

ᮣ What the best marketers don’t do
ᮣ What the best marketers do better than everyone else

   Remember the old line about how half of all ad dollars are wasted but no
                       one knows which half? The truth is, the best marketers do know.

                The following two lists highlight what great marketers try awfully hard to
                avoid — and what they work awfully hard to do instead.

Ten Worst Marketing Ideas

                The following ten marketing landmines masquerade as quick fixes. When the
                business chips are down, each of these worst ideas pops up to look like a
                good solution. Don’t be fooled. Make sure every new idea soars above every
                single idea on this list.

                   1. Fight bad business with good advertising.
                      Here’s the scenario: Business is down, so the owner points fingers at the
                      economy and the competition and decides to run ads to overcome the
                      problem. But the economy and the competition likely aren’t the culprits.
                      Business is down because customers have defected — and new prospects
                      haven’t been converted — because the company’s product or service is
                      Running ads before improving the offering will only put a spotlight on
                      the problem. In the words of advertising legend Bill Bernbach, “Nothing
                      kills a bad product like a good ad.” Instead, fix the product, polish the
                      service, then run the ad.
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