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60 Steven Pressfield

Principle Number Two: This Enemy Is Implacable

The hostile, malicious force that we’re experiencing now is not
a joke. It is not to be trifled with or taken lightly. It is for real. In
the words of my dear friend Rabbi Mordecai Finley:

             “It will kill you. It will kill you
                                  like cancer.”

This enemy is intelligent, protean, implacable, inextinguishable,
and utterly ruthless and destructive.

             Its aim is not to obstruct or to
                       hamper or to impede.
                             Its aim is to kill.

This is the second principle of Resistance.

Principle Number Three: This Enemy Is Inside You

Pat Riley, when he was coach of the Lakers, had a term for all
those off-court forces, like fame and ego (not to mention crazed
fans, the press, agents, sponsors, and ex-wives), that worked
against the players’ chances for on-court success. He called these
forces “peripheral opponents.”
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