Page 140 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 140

Even	though	you	know	you	should	turn	off 	pop-up	alerts,	silence	your	phone,
and	 stop	 checking	 email	 every	 five	 minutes,	 this	 knowledge	 doesn’t	 change	 your
behavior.	 I	 could	 bury	 you	 with	 research	 about	 how	 bad	 this	 is,	 but	 it	 wouldn’t
change	your	behavior.	This	is	where	the	#5SecondRule	comes	into	play—you	don’t
have	to	want	to	do	it,	you	just	have	to	push	yourself 	to	do	it.

    First	you	must	decide	that	distractions	are	not	good.	Interruptions	of 	any	sort
are	the	kiss	of 	death	for	your	productivity.	Research	shows	open	office	spaces	are	a
nightmare	 for	 focus.	 Checking	 email	 can	 become	 an	 addiction	 because	 of 	 what
behavioral	 researchers	 call	 “random	 rewards.”	 You	 have	 to	 decide	 that	 your	 goals
are	more	important	than	push	notifications.	It’s	that	simple.

    Then	 you	 just	 remove	 them.	 I’m	 not	 claiming	 this	 is	 rocket	 science.	 I’m	 also
not	 going	 to	 tell	 you	 that	 it’s	 easy.	 But	 I	 promise	 you	 that	 if 	 you	 use	 the
#5SecondRule,	you’ll	actually	do	it.	When	you	start	to	remove	distractions	and	are
able	to	focus	on	the	moment-to-moment	things	that	matter	you	will	have	“no	idea”
how	much	it	will	help,	as	Karen	wrote:

    Recently,	 I	 was	 talking	 about	 this	 with	 my	 high	 school-aged	 daughter	 Kendall.
She	 loves	 social	 media,	 but	 would	 spend	 so	 much	 time	 on	 her	 phone	 that	 it	 was
seriously	distracting	her	from	her	schoolwork.	Plus,	it	was	making	her	feel	insecure
to	 constantly	 compare	 herself 	 to	 the	 social	 media	 posts	 of 	 celebrities	 and
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