Page 168 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 168

About	four	years	ago,	I	started	to	wonder	if 	I	could	use	the	#5SecondRule	to
change	more	than	my	physical	behavior.	I	wondered	if 	I	could	change	my	thoughts.
I	 had	 seen	 the	 effects	 it	 had	 on	 other	 habits—so	 why	 not	 try	 to	 break	 the	 mental
habit	of 	anxiety,	panic,	and	fear?	They	are	patterns	that	we	repeat	after	all.	They	are
just	habits.

    I	 started	 using	 the	 Rule	 to	 change	 the	 way	 that	 my	 mind	 worked.	 I	 began	 by
using	the	Rule	to	break	the	habit	of 	worrying.	As	I	mastered	that	skill,	I	used	the
Rule	to	control	my	anxiety	and	beat	my	fear	of 	flying.	It	worked.

    As	 I	 write	 this	 sentence,	 I	 can	 tell	 you—I	 have	 cured	 myself 	 of 	 anxiety.	 I
haven’t	taken	Zoloft	in	years	and	am	panic	attack-free.	I	no	longer	have	a	habit	of
worrying.	 And	 my	 fear	 of 	 flying?	 Gone.	 Learning	 to	 take	 control	 of 	 my	 mind,
direct	my	thoughts,	and	dismantle	fear	has	been	the	single	greatest	thing	I	have	ever
done	to	improve	the	quality	of 	my	life.	I	almost	never	feel	worried.	And	the	rare
times	that	I	do,	I	just,	5-	4-	3-	2-	1	and	direct	my	mind	towards	the	solutions	rather
than	worrying	about	the	problems.	I	have	transformed	my	mind	using	the	Rule	and
I	 am	 the	 happiest	 and	 most	 optimistic	 that	 I	 have	 ever	 been.	 My	 mind	 is	 working
for	me	instead	of 	against	me.

    Now,	it’s	your	turn.

    First,	you’ll	learn	how	to	break	the	addiction	to	worrying	and	negative	self-talk
using	the	#5SecondRule,	the	science	of 	habits,	and	the	power	of 	gratitude.

    Second,	you’ll	dive	into	the	subject	of 	anxiety	and	panic.	You’ll	learn	what	it	is
and	 what	 it	 isn’t.	 And	 I	 will	 give	 you	 the	 step-by-step	 method	 for	 how	 you	 can
interrupt,	reframe,	and	eventually	eliminate	anxiety	from	your	own	life.

    Finally,	you’ll	learn	a	proven	strategy	for	how	you	can	beat	any	fear.	Using	my
fear	 of 	 flying	 as	 an	 example,	 you’ll	 learn	 how	 to	 use	 the	 Rule	 with	 “anchor
thoughts”	to	prevent	fear	from	taking	over	your	mind.
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