Page 248 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 248

And	finally,	James…

    Steve’s	 story	 hit	 James	 “close	 to	 my	 heart.”	 James	 lost	 his	 baby	 brother	 to
suicide	 just	 a	 year	 ago.	 As	 James	 wrote,	 “I	 wish	 my	 brother	 took	 5.	 I	 can	 never
change	that,	but	I	can	change	myself.”	Using	the	#5SecondRule,	he	has	found	the
courage	 he	 needs	 to	 wake	 up	 and	 start	 living	 again:	 “It’s	 time	 for	 me	 to	 move	 on,
back	to	my	passion,	back	to	my	running.”	James	made	a	five	second	decision.	He	is
running	a	100	miler,	5-	4-	3-	2-	1,	in	memory	of 	his	brother	Patrick.
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