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126  P a r t I I Producing Your YouTube Videos

iMovie includes a variety of useful features, including transitions, titles, and special
effects. Also useful are the powerful color correction tools, a tool for cropping and
zooming video clips, and the ability to rotate videos.

To create a project, simply drag a clip (scene) into the project area, as shown in
Figure 11.2. You can then drag and drop transitions, effects, titles, and even an
optional audio soundtrack into the project as desired. You can upload completed
videos directly to YouTube from the iMovie interface.

   Figure 11.2 iMovie—Apple’s free video-editing program.

Tier Two: Mid-Level Programs

   Windows Movie Maker and iMovie are ideal for many YouTube video creators, but
   they’re not the most sophisticated programs around. (What do you expect at no
   charge?) If you find yourself wanting more or different special effects, or greater
   control over your video editing, it’s time to invest in a freestanding video-editing
   This second tier of video-editing programs consists of a multitude of relatively
   inexpensive programs. Prices on these programs run from about $50 to $200—
   certainly affordable for most businesses.

Adobe Premiere Elements

   Adobe is the premier producer of digital photography and video-editing programs,
   and the company’s main video-editing product is Adobe Premiere. The company
   makes two versions of Premiere: the full-featured Premiere Studio CS, which we
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