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Market Smart: How to Gain Customers and Increase Profits with B2B Marketing

people, technicians, and customer service reps. Anyone who
deals directly with customers has a very powerful perspective
on how customers think and what they really want from your
company. They often have ideas for new products or services
and thoughts about emerging threats. Sitting down with these
team members and having a structured conversation will allow
you to capture these perspectives.

For a list of questions you can ask your team, go to

Part Five: Marketing Audit

The last step in the company assessment is to audit your
marketing activities and assets. What marketing tactics do
you undertake and how do they perform? How many leads
does each activity generate? What tools do you have in your
marketing toolkit? What collateral (brochures, tech spec
sheets, project portfolios, case studies, white papers, etc)
do you have? How do they represent your brand? Do they
communicate your value proposition? Are they consistent?

Make sure to include these areas in your assessment:

    •	 Website and analytics—Google Analytics, and consider
         using a tool like Hubspot or gShiftLabs for benchmarking

    •	 eNewsletters—your email provider (e.g. Constant
         Contact, Mail Chimp) will provide you with benchmarking
         data on open rates and click throughs

    •	 Printed material—company overviews, solution
         overviews, and any other printed materials

    •	 Thought leadership—articles, case studies, white papers,
         ebooks, videos


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