Page 15 - Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization
P. 15
xiv Acknowledgments
To my smarter-than-me brother, Ari Solomon; our wise and ac-
commodating editor Bob Nirkind and the team at AMACOM; super-
agent Bill Gladstone; Gareth Branwyn; Tom Burdette; Seth Godin;
Richard Isen; Cathy Mosca; Rajesh Setty; the people at ChangeThis/
800-CEO-READ; Rick Wolff and Caryn Karmatz Rudy; Megan Pin-
cus Kajitani (for ‘‘Jane Chang-Katzenberg’’ [Chapter 3]); and, most of
all, Leonardo: This book would not have happened without you.
Thank you all—so much.
Micah Solomon
Philadelphia, PA