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know	something	about	the	hearsay	rule.
   The	 Hearsay	 Rule	 puzzles	 many	 viewers	 and	 law	 students,	 but	 rests	 on	 a

basic	human	principle:	To	evaluate	what	someone	says,	a	person	needs	to	see	the
speaker.	The	jurors	must	see	the	witness;	they	cannot	just	hear	what	the	witness

   This	 principle	 of	 presenting	 a	 legal	 argument	 also	 applies	 to	 presenting	 the
argument	 for	 a	 service.	 Prospects	 need	 to	 see	 you	 to	 decide	 about	 you.	 They
want	 to	 see	 signals	 that	 convey	 who	 you	 are—even	 the	 subtlest	 signals:	 Your
watch—is	 it	 showy?	 Your	 shoes—are	 the	 backs	 polished,	 too?	 Your	 eyes—do
they	suggest	you	are	not	telling	the	whole	truth?

   The	prospect	is	being	invited	into	a	relationship,	and	wonders—with	whom?
   Who	are	these	people?
   This	 is	 what	 the	 prospect	 is	 asking,	 yet	 most	 service	 companies	 ignore	 the
question.	 They	 institutionalize	 their	 company	 instead	 of	 personalizing	 it.	 The
prospect	wants	to	see	flesh	and	blood;	the	company	shows	brick	and	mortar—a
picture	of	the	building	and	some	symbols	for	the	service.	Or	the	company	shows
stock	 photos	 of	 paid	 models	 shaking	 hands	 or	 meeting	 to	 discuss	 an	 important
issue	in	this	company,	where	none	of	them	work.
   Good	salespeople	know	better.	They	know	that	if	a	prospect	declines	a	face-
to-face	 meeting	 but	 requests	 “some	 information	 about	 your	 company,”	 they
rarely	 will	 make	 the	 sale.	 They	 know	 the	 prospect	 must	 see	 them	 to	 believe
them,	and	buy.
   The	 salesperson	 knows	 this	 principle	 of	 selling	 a	 service,	 which	 is	 the
principle	behind	the	Hearsay	Rule:	People	must	see	who	is	saying	something	to
decide	whether	they	will	buy	it.
   Give	your	marketing	a	human	face.

Metaphorically	Speaking:	The	Black	Hole	Phenomenon


For	 years,	 physicists	 discussed	 an	 important	 phenomenon:	 the	 gravitationally
completely	collapsed	object.

   Physicists	knew	these	objects	had	profound	implications.	These	objects	could
answer	the	question	“How	did	the	universe	begin,	and	how	might	it	end?”

   For	 years,	 this	 discussion	 was	 just	 among	 leading	 physicists.	 Then	 some
creative	 physicist	 devised	 a	 better	 name	 for	 a	 gravitationally	 completely
collapsed	object.

   He	called	it	a	black	hole.
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