Page 16 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 16

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


each day passes and if I don’t seem to be making any
“significant progress”.

Mentally prepare myself to negate these thoughts as it will
put me in an un-resourceful state that won’t allow me to do
anything productive.

To do this (prepare myself mentally), I will:

* Re-read my Goal …. visualize the day when I’ve achieved
my goals, “experience it in the future – how would I feel ?
What would I see ? Hear ?”

* Remember and visualize my past successes – I did it in
the past, I can do it now. My past successes will be sort of
an anchor that will remind me of my abilities.

* I will start each day by spending time with God first, and
to commit the day to Him. Then, I’ll spend at least 20
minutes of preparation – thinking through what needs to be
done today and list them in order of priority. This will give
me focus and clarity of mind to do what needs to be done
today and minimizes the chances of having doubts.

Day 5 and 6

Identifying the various options to take. This is the time to
determine the nature of the online business that I want to
start – do I want to write an ebook ? Develop new software?
Promote an affiliate program? I will list down:


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