Page 33 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 33

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Anne Ahira

Day 1 and 2 -- Take the time to compose myself.

I am not going to panic! I will not attempt to do anything
but make myself calm, and I will stay positive. I would
probably go for a walk in the park, breathe deeply of the
fresh air to cleanse my mind, so that I can think clearly
when I come back home. This usually works for me when I
have a problem.

Day 3 and 4 -- Contact everyone who is affected by my

I will make a list of everyone to whom I am in debt. I will be
straightforward and let them know that I am currently
experiencing some setbacks but assure them that I will
honor my financial commitment with them as soon as I am
able. I will make my sincere apologies and ask for their
patience as I rebuild my business.

I will make certain I have their full contact information so I
can keep in touch with them and send partial or full payment
the instant I have the funds available to do so. If I find
myself the recipient of anger and harsh words, I will put
myself in their place and accept that I would probably feel
the same if I were them.

Only after I have done the above can I then give my full
concentration to re-building my business.


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