Page 69 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 69

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Month 2 and Beyond: From here on, I only need to focus
on a few things...

   • Building my mailing list consistently, using the
       techniques outlined above,

   • Building a strong relationship with my list members by
       offering them great value through free reports, articles,
       and tips, AND...

   • Offering them great products and services on a
       consistent basis!

Don't be afraid to sell to your list. Those who are only there
to get free stuff will probably drop out eventually. And that's
what you want! Those who appreciate the value you provide
for them will stick around for a long time.

Continue to joint venture and make deals with other
publishers / webmasters to build your list as well as
generate profit.

Survey your list and find out what type of products they
would want in the future. Find out what their main wants,
concerns, and problems are. Then, either find the
appropriate products or create them yourself, and offer it to

Another powerful concept you can introduce into your
business is to add residual income streams. These are


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