Page 88 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 88

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I take out my list of ezine editors that I saved when
submitting my articles. Keeping in mind that ezine
publishers receive 5-15 JV proposals each and every day, I
need to make my offer so delicious the publisher will feel as
though they will lose if they pass up my offer.

So, instead of the ole 45%-50% commission, I offer them
100% commission on the first 5 ebooks they sell, and 50%
commission for sales thereafter, IF they agree to send my
endorsement to their subscribers within the next 48 hours.

                    :: Sample JV Proposal Letter ::

             Hello [ NAME ],

             My name is Carmen Maranon. I have
             recently released my new ebook,
             'Solutions To Acne Ails' and would like to
             propose to you, an incredible deal that will
             make money for both of us.

             I am offering you 100% commission for
             sales of the first 5 ebooks at $24.00, if you
             will broadcast an endorsement for my
             ebook within the next 48 hours.

             That's a total profit of $120.00, which
             is more than the rate you are currently


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