Page 29 - The Millionaire Mindset
P. 29

Today  clean it up. During the clean-up you might wonder who on earth would want to do such
 is a  a disgusting thing.
great  	 Then imagine that the following afternoon you come home and find your front
 day   lawn is again littered with another truckload of garbage. You’d probably be twice as angry
       as you were the evening before, but you would probably clean it up again, and again be
       wondering, “Why would anyone want to do something like this?”
       	 Now imagine a third afternoon, you come home and the front lawn is again
       littered with garbage. This time you decide that you have had enough. You vow to put
       a stop to such destruction and aggravation. You would probably take whatever measures
       were necessary to stop the insanity.
       	 Now, think of all the garbage that is littered on the greatest front lawn in the
       world – your mind. Most people allow garbage to be dumped into their minds and refuse
       to do anything about it. The garbage we are talking about is negative thinking. If we are
       not careful, it’s easy to allow others to pollute our minds.
       	 You have to guard the front lawn of your mind. The tool to use is called reason.
       You can use your reason to accept or reject any ideas. You must not allow yourself to suffer
       from “stinkin’ thinkin’.” Be sure your guard is always on duty. You are responsible to ensure
       he does his job.

                                       You become what you
                                     consciously think about.

                                                  Earl Nightingale

             Part 2- The Subconscious Mind
             	 This part of you is certainly the most magnificent. It is your power center. Every
             thought your conscious mind chooses to accept, this part must willingly accept. It has no
             ability to reject it.
             	 For every idea your conscious mind conceives, your subconscious mind will create
             whatever is necessary to fulfill that picture. If you have pictures of poverty in your conscious
             mind, then your subconscious mind will create exactly that, in reality, right on schedule.
             	 All your prior conditioning from parents, teachers and authority figures is found
             here. Whatever is impressed in this side of your personality will be expressed through the
             only medium it can, your body.

             Part 3-The Body
             	 This part of you is by far the smallest part of who you really are. This part is the

Millionairepart that expresses what is happening on the inside. Your body never lies.
             	 Whatsoever is impressed on your mind will express itself on the physical plane
             through your body. Your body is an instrument of the mind; it materializes the exact pictures
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