Page 3 - FINAL FOLIO JIHA 1002
P. 3


                  This project would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another
                                     contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the prepara�on and comple�on of this por�olio.

                  First and foremost, my utmost apprecia�on to my lecturer for her professional guidance and valuable support, in which it is very

                  useful  in  the  days  to  come,  Mrs  Rohaida  bin�  Razi,  my  ins�tu�on;  Politeknik  Ibrahim  Sultan    who  gave  me  the  golden

                                                            opportunity to do this wonderful project with JEIWA GLOBAL RESOURCES.

                     I would sincerely like to thank all my beloved friends who were with me and support through thick and thin and encourage


                            I would like to express also my special thanks of gra�tude to my family who supported me morally and financially.

                  Last but not the least, the one above all of us, the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, for answering my prayers for

                                                                  giving me the strength and wisdom, thank you so much Dear God.
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