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Nomads Motorcycle Club of Cape Town
longest established motorcycle Club in Cape Town
h e N o m a d s Gotkin, John Wilmot, John Van Der Spuy, Pete
Motorcycle Club Strydom, Ian Sinclair and Luderick M Jacoby who
Twas founded in resigned in November 2023 from the position, after 37
April 1966, and at the c o n s e c u t i v e y e a r s .
fi r s t m e e t i n g t h e
subject of a constitution General Meetings of the Club are held on the 2nd
w a s r a i s e d . N i c k Monday of each month at 20h15 at the Mowbray
Ehrman produced a Bowls Club, Chapel Rd, Mowbray.
copy of the Royal Cape
Yacht Club constitution Over the years, the monthly meeting places have
on which the Clubs changed, with meetings having been held at the
c o n s t i t u t i o n w a s following venues;
· YMCA in Observatory
The formation of the · Mowbray Scout Hall
club was the brainchild · Gordon's Institute, Mowbray
of Les Hayden, who · St John's Ambulance Hall, Roeland Street
subsequently discussed the idea with YMCA · Glendower Hotel
Members who were interested in forming a · Good Hope Hotel
motorcycle club for British Bikes of 500cc's and over. · Lord Milner Hotel, Woodstock
The April'66 meeting took place in a small lounge in · Holiday Inn, Woodstock
the YMCA in Observatory. · Villager's Club, Claremont
· Liesbeeck Park Recreation Club,
The *founder members were, Messrs. Les Hayden, Observatory
Nick Ehrman, Billy Steyn (Chairman), Pat O'Connor, · Deutscher Verein, Cape Town
Mike Wrightford, Brian Conyers, Robert Borrel- · Jagger's Bowling Club, Mowbray
Saladin, Peter Wheeler, Fred Berkenshaw, Desmond · Mowbray Bowls Club, Mowbray (Current)
King, Billy Burnell, Llewellyn Maxsted, Robin Vismer
and Army Livings. As the name Nomads implies, these changes are
seemingly not out of context.
Attached to the YMCA was a fairly large garage where Club Rides take place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays
many repairs were performed at night and over of each Month and depart from outside Damelin
weekends. This became such a focal point of the club College (previously the Gordon's Institute), 12
that the one time chairman, Nick Ehrman, was Liesbeek Parkway, Mowbray, Cape Town. Club
appointed as Garage Manager. rides are announced at the General Meetings and
published in our monthly journal which is available
Membership was around the twenty-five mark in the on request.
first year and runs were of the Sunday afternoon
variety. Membership over recent years has hovered Visitors are most welcome on our Club Rides,
around 150. however, we do request they ride in staggered
formation and do not wear “colours” a.k.a. Back
The origin of the club logo, the”Flying Boot”. One day Patches, which is not considered befitting the Club's
in 1966, Pat O'Connor and Mike Wrightford were image.
sitting in the back rows of the lecture theatre at UCT,
dreaming of better things such as Velocettes and BSA As the longest established motorcycle Club in Cape
Gold Stars. They decided then that the newly born Town, if not the Republic, the past and present
club needed a logo. Between them the “Flying Boot” members have reason to be proud of the Club's
was created. Mike did the original drawing there and record, and hopefully the “Winged Boot” will
then and gave the drawing to Jerry Day who then continue as the symbol of all that Nomads has
produced the artwork from which the first badges stood for in the past – for yet another 57 years –
were made. and beyond. LHR
Over the years, the Nomads Motorcycle Club has
continued to grow under the various Chairpersons of:
Billy Steyn, Nick Ehrman, Alec Autef, Egon Mendel,
Warwick Williams, Tony Ferguson, Tony Bailey, Leon