Page 29 - Sept 2024.cdr
P. 29
New World Record: Stunt Rider Gets Dragged
Behind a Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX at 160 Mph
Specially-made skid plates cast from the super-strong
metal allowed the rider to plant his feet firmly on the
concrete landing strip of Elvington Airfield, Yorkshire,
at the Straightliners speed records event. However,
fancy, sparkling boots alone wouldn’t have done the
job – Mr. Davies also had to keep accelerating in order
to reach the speed.
Motorcycles weren’t built for towing anything, let alone
pulling the rider in a ‘downhill skiing’ stance. The
Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX used for this attempt was fitted
with a secondary throttle control button at the back so
Jonny could push it to a new record. Due to the very
high speed at which he was moving, his left boot
Usually, ‘drag racing is usually defined as an became airborne during the run, and he literally
activity involving (at least) two self-powered dragged behind the supercharged missile while
vehicles going flat-out on a straight line (typically a balancing on one foot.
quarter mile in length) to get across the finish line
first. An Englishman contested that definition by The motorcycle used for this achievement is a monster
adding a literal twist to the old game of ‘Who’s of a rig, with a one-liter four-cylinder motor paired with
faster?’ and just broke a 25-year-standing world a supercharger to deliver 197 hp and 101 lb-ft (200 PS,
record. 137 Nm). The crankshaft drives the air compressor via
I have a question for the bikers’ community (but the a set of planetary gears, with an intermediary
rest of you can feel free to drop an answer, too): assembly to multiply the revolutions over nine times.
how fast did you ride your motorcycle? Did you
ever go above 156 mph? (That’s about 251 kph for Spinning at almost 130,000 RPM, the impeller of the
metric petrol heads). If so, were you still on the force-fed induction system is backed by a Ram Air
bike? intake at the front to boost peak power to 207 hp (210
PS). Due to its highly precise machining, the aluminum
And even if you dare say ‘Yes,’ it still wouldn’t cut it. twelve-blade screw adds minimal heat to the
One stunt driver from across the pond did the absolute compressed air, thus eliminating the need for an
opposite – jumped off the bike and skidded behind it at intercooler.
wide open throttle. And he put 3.2 miles (5.15 km) “I think I hit 110mph before climbing off the back, and I
above that mark, just for the fun of it. wasn’t even perfectly straight, to be honest. As soon as
I lined up, I just hit full throttle, and I just did not let off,”
Not only that, but it broke the Guinness World Record D a v i e s s h a r e d w i t h a r e p o r t e r f r o m
for ‘Fastest speed dragged behind a motorcycle,’ a feat moments after the historic and
achieved in 1999 by Gary Rothwell, also from England successful attempt.
(what is it with the Brits and their habit of getting things
done in some other manner than the rest of the It took the Peterlee, County Durham local two takes to
world?). Twenty-five years ago, the Liverpool rider get the record secured. During his first try, he managed
jumped off his specially prepared bike and hit 156.3 to reach 154.677 mph (248.92 kph). Only Jonny was
mph (251.54 kph). allowed on the motorbike for the latest ‘drag’ record to
count. To make things spicier, the stunt rider had to
The British stunt driving champion Jonny Davies was climb back on the Kawasaki and bring it safely to a full
at the tender age of seven when he watched the stop.
record-setting run on national television and got the
virus. A quarter of a century later, he employed the help “It was just a blurry, bumpy ride. It was pretty chaotic,
of his childhood idol to surpass that milestone. He did it but the bike was just super stable. The Ninja H2 SX
– he scored 159.52 mph (256.72 kph). If you’re was an absolute machine, perfect for the job. I’m just
wondering how he stood back up on his feet and overwhelmed with the whole situation. It’s been some
walked away with the record unharmed, the secret is build-up, and finally, to have broken the record, it feels
titanium. pretty good.” LHR