Page 195 - The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin_Neat plip book
P. 195


                My father,  Freddy Waitzkin,  has had my back  thr ough  it all.  Pop,  I can’t tha nk
                you  enough  for  all  the  love,  patience,  gui dan ce,  and  loyalty.  You’ ve  be en  in  my

                corner   through    thick   and   thin,   and   we   both   kno w   I   coul dn’t   ha ve   do ne    it
                without    you.   Mom,   you’re   the   gr eatest   mother    any one   coul d   ever   dr eam   of.
                Katya,  my  gutsy  dive  partner  and  bab y  sister,  I  am  so  pr oud  of  you.  I  love  you
                guys. I n our crazy Waitzkin way, w e keep i t toget her.
                    I’ve  been  blessed  with  some  wonderful   teachers  in  my  life.   My  Grandma ,

                Stella  Waitzkin,  whom  I  miss  terribl y,  taught   me  to  listen.  Shel lie  Sclan   go t
                me  writing.  Dennis  Dalton  and  Rober t  Thur man  got  me  feeling.        William  C.
                C. C hen taught me to let go. Jo hn Machad o has  me rolling al l over aga in.

                    My  dear  friends  and  teammates,  Dan  Caulfi       d,  Max  Chen ,  Tom  Otterne ss,
                Jan C.  Childress,  Jan L.  Childress,  Trevor Cohen ,  and  the  Li ttle Warrior:  Irving
                Yee—thank  you,  guys,  for  helping  me  create  our   laboratory.  We’ve  go t  a  long
                way to go.
                    As  for  the  birth  of  this  book,  I  am  eno rmous ly  indeb ted  to  my  age nt   Binky

                Urban,    who   was   just   plain   great.   Than k   you   so   much    for   your    pa tienc e   and
                your vision, B inky.
                    My  fabulous  editor  Liz  Stein  believed  in  thi s  book  from  day  one  and  then

                gave  me  the  room  to  bring  it  together.  It  is  a  true  pl easur e  worki ng  with  you,
                Liz, an d I have learned so much from the p rocess.
                    Mike Bryan,  John Maroon,  and John  Henrich,  many than ks  for reachi ng  out
                with such generosity.
                    I had some readers who gave me valuable feedback  when  I needed  it. Desiree

                Cifre,  Bonnie  Waitzkin,  Elta  Smith,  Bindu      Sur esh,  Hannah   Beth  King,    Toby
                Buggiani,  Tom  Otterness,  Dan  Caulfi        d,  you  guy s  are  gr eat.  Pop,  you’ ve  be en
                a rock.

                    Light   Buggiani,    David    Arnett,   Rebecca    Mayer,    Maurice    Ashl ey,   Andy
                Manning,     Jeffrey   Newman,     Mike    Bryan,   Paul   Pines ,   Carol   Jarecki ,   Bruc e
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