Page 192 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Technical Program                                TRACK 12

        10:30am                                                 10:48am
        An Advanced Computational Framework for the Automated Modeling of   Modeling Circular Shear in Shape Memory Polymers with Triple Shape
        Materials with Complex Microstructures                  Effect Subjected to Crystallization under Constant Shear
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50488                 Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50203

        Soheil Soghrati, Bowen Liang, Hossein Ahmadian Ahmadabad, Ricardo   Swapnil Moon, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Harrison, NJ, United
        Alvarez Merel, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States  States, Fangda Cui, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Kearny, NJ, Unit-
                                                                ed States, I.J. Rao, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United
        10:48am                                                 States
        Microstructure-Sensitive Strain Localization Modeling in Magnesium Al-
        loys                                                    11:06am
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-53727                 In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of a Shape Memory Polymer Foam-over-
                                                                Wire Embolization Device Delivered in Saccular Aneurysm Models
        Konstantinos P. Baxevanakis, Mike Cabal, Jefferson Cuadra,  Antonios   Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50408
        Kontsos, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States
                                                                Anthony Boyle, Todd Landsman, Mark Wierzbicki, Landon Nash, Texas
        11:06am                                                 A&M University, College Station, TX, United States, Wonjun Hwang, Shape
        NIGFEM: A 3D Framework to Simulate Mesoscale Damage in Complex   Memory Therapeutics, College Station, TX, United States, Matthew Miller,
        Heterogeneous Materials                                 Egemen Tuzun, Sayyeda Hasan, Duncan Maitland, Texas A&M University,
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-51207                 College Station, TX, United States

        Masoud Safdari, Nancy Sottos, Philippe Geubelle, University of Illinois at   11:24am
        Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States             Mechanical AND In Vitro Evaluation of an Experimental Canine Patent
                                                                Ductus Arteriosus Closure Device
        11:24am                                                 Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50428
        Micromechanical Analysis of the Effects of Martensite Complex Morphol-
        ogy on the Overall Mechanical Behavior of Dual Phase Steel  Mark Wierzbicki, Jesse Bryant, Matthew Miller, Brandis Keller, Duncan
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-51849                 Maitland, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States

        Rashid K. Abu Al-Rub, Najmul Abid, Masdar Institute of Science and Tech-  11:42am
        nology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emir., Anthony N. Palazotto, Air Force Insti-  Shape-Memory Behavior of Poly(para-phenylene)
        tute of Technology, Dayton, OH, United States           Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50244

        11:42am                                                 Carl Frick, David A. Collins, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United
        Effect of Morphology on Wave Propagation in Porous Materials  States,  Christopher Yakacki, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO,
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-53043            United States

        Huseyin Gokmen Aksoy, Efes Export SA, Pitesti, Arges, Romania
                                                                MECHANICS OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
                                                                MECHANICS OF SOFT BIOLOGICAL AND BIOINSPIRED
        12-15-3                                                 MATERIALS
                                                                360A  10:30am–12:00pm
        372B  10:30am–12:00pm
                                                                Session Chair:  Stephan Rudykh, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology,
        Session Chair: Todd Landsman, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX,   Haifa, Israel
        United States
        Session Co-Chair: Christopher Yakacki, University of Colorado Denver, Den-  10:30am
        ver, CO, United States                                  Propagation of Elastic Waves in Highly Deformable Composites
                                                                Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-51674
        Thermoviscoplastic Behaviors of Anisotropic Shape Memory Elastomeric   Stephan Rudykh, Pavel Galich, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Hai-
        Composite for Cold Programmed Shape Changing Applications  fa, Israel
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50589
        H. Jerry Qi, Yiqi Mao, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United   Optical and Mechanical Characterization of Ballistic Polymer Gel-Tissue
        States                                                  Simulant
                                                                Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52402

                                                                Raj Krishna A. Pasumarthy, Hareesh Tippur, Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
                                                                United States
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