Page 200 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Technical Program                                TRACK 12                                                                                                                  TRACK 12

        3:30pm                                                  4:06pm
        A Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian Extended Finite Element Formulation for   Magnetoelectric Soft Materials for Wireless Energy Transfer
        Simulating Large Deformations in Hyperelastic Media with Moving Free   Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52669
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50425                 Zeinab Alameh, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States

        Louis Foucard, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United   4:24pm
        States, Anup Aryal, Ravindra Duddu, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,   Thickness Effects on Piezoelectric Unimorph Responses under Various
        United States, Franck Vernerey, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder,   Boundary/Loading Conditions
        CO, United States                                       Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-53312

        3:48pm                                                  Nanshu Lu,  Taewoo Ha, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United
        Isogeometric Analysis of 3D Dynamic Thermomechanical Phase-Field   States
        Model for Cubic-to-Tetragonal Phase Transformations in Shape Memory
        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50643
        Rakesh Dhote, Kamran Behdinan, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Can-  SOFT MATERIALS WITH CHEMISTRY: GELS AND BEYOND

        4:06pm                                                  12-16-3
        Phase-Field Model of the Structure of Ferroelectric-Paraelectric Phase   CHEMOMECHANICAL COUPLING
        Boundary in Single-Crystal Ferroelectric Ceramics
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52619                 380B  3:30pm–5:00pm

        Alexandra Woldman, Chad Landis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,   Session Chair: Rui Huang, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United
        United States                                           States

        4:24pm                                                  3:30pm
        A New Model for the Energy and Morphology of Interfaces  Modeling Chemical Reactions in Soft Materials
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-53461                 Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-51517

        Brandon Runnels, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, United   Shawn Chester, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United
        States, Irene J Beyerlein, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM,   States
        United States, Michael Ortiz, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
        CA, United States                                       3:48pm
                                                                Mechanochemically Responsive Elastomers: When Large Deformation
                                                                Controls Chemistry
        12-15                                                   Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-50834
                                                                Xuanhe Zhao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, China

        12-15-5                                                 4:06pm
        MAGNETO- AND ELECTRO-ACTIVE POLYMERS                    Effect of Alkali Ions on the Chemomechanical Couplings of Superabsor-
                                                                bent Hydrogels
                                                                Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52454
        372B  3:30pm–5:00pm
                                                                Khashayar Farzanian, Ali Ghahremaninezhad, University of Miami, Coral
        Session Chair: Nanshu Lu, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United   Gables, FL, United States
        Session Co-Chair: Xiaobao Li, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United   4:24pm
                                                                Effect of Chemical Variation on Mechanical Properties of Polyureas as
        3:30pm                                                  Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-53221
        A New Type of Maxwell Stress in Soft Materials Due to Quantum Mechan-
        ical Elasticity Coupling                                Alireza Amirkhizi, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Lowell, MA, United
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-52682                 States

        Xiaobao Li, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States
        3:48pm                                                  12-36
        Characterization and Performance of Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Based   MULTIFUNCTIONAL AND MICRO-/NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS—
        Multilayered Actuators                                  MODELING AND CHARACTERIZATION
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-54045

        Saad Ahmed, Zoubeida Ounaies, Pennsylvania State University, State Col-  12-36-4
   200  lege, PA, United States                                 MULTIFUNCTIONAL AND MICRO-/NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS
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