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Technical Program                                TRACK 17                                                                                                                  TRACK 17

        An Interim Analysis of Upper Limb Prosthetic Training and Rehabilitation   11:30am–2:30pm
        Using Virtual Reality
        Technical Presentation. IMECE2015-54054

        Ashley Knight, Stephanie Carey, Rajiv Dubey, University of South Florida,   A Stochastic Asset Life Prediction Method for Large Fleet Datasets in Big
        Tampa, FL, United States                                Data Environment
                                                                Poster Paper Publication. IMECE2015-52458

                                                                Behrad Bagheri, David Siegel, Wenyu Zhao, Jay Lee, University of Cincin-
        Synthesis of a Novel Biomimetic Polymer, Poly (Glycerol Sebacate-co-Pro-  nati, Cincinnati, OH, United States
        pylene Fumarate) Gadodiamide, for Cardiovascular Applications
        Poster Presentation. IMECE2015-53498

        Nicholas Huggins, Tre Welch, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX,   Probabilistic Approach to Improve the Prediction Accuracy of Remaining
        United States, Amy Goodfriend, Alan Nugent, Joseph Forbess, University   Useful Life
        of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States  Poster Presentation. IMECE2015-52801

                                                                Duc Pham, Texas Tech Universiy, Lubbock, TX, United States, Fisseha Ale-
                                                                mayehu, Penn State University, Hazleton, PA, United States, Stephen Ekwa-
        17-4                                                    ro-Osire, Haileyesus Endeshaw, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, United
        DYNAMICS, VIBRATION, AND CONTROL                        States

        17-4-1                                                  17-7
        Adaptive Robust Control of Hydraulic Actuators with Disturbance Estima-
        tion                                                    11:30am–2:30pm
        Poster Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50133

        Zhangbao Xu, Jianyong Yao, Zhenle Dong, Ying Zheng, Nanjing University
        of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China      Optical Properties of Cu2Zn0.8Cd0.2SnS4 Quinternary Alloy Nanostruc-
                                                                Poster Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50212

        Dynamic Modeling of Spherical Roller Bearings Due to Localized Defects  A.S. Ibraheam, Yarub Al-Douri, Uda Hashim, University Malaysia Perlis, Per-
        Poster Presentation. IMECE2015-50299                    lis, Malaysia, Waleed Ahmed, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, Abu
                                                                Dhabi, United Arab Emir.
        Yu Xing, Hua Xu, Shiyuan Pei, Xuejing Liu, Hui Xi, Xi’an Jiaotong University,
        Xi’an, China
                                                                Numerical Morphology Analysis for the Electro-Catalytic Effectiveness
                                                                and Optimization of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Electrodes in
        17-5                                                    Fuel Cells
        EDUCATION AND GLOBALIZATION                             Poster Presentation. IMECE2015-50389

                                                                Seungho Shin, Ah-Reum Kim, Jun-Seong Park, Sung-Jae Chung, Sukkee
        17-5-1                                                  Um, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (Republic)
        11:30am–2:30pm                                          Fluidized Bed Air Gasification Using Low Heating Value Sand-Bedded
                                                                Dairy Manure and Sludge Pellets
                                                                Poster Paper Publication. IMECE2015-50513

        Development of an Interactive Virtual Model of a Robotic Manipulator  Hyungseok Nam, Amado Maglinao, Segio Capareda, Texas A&M Universi-
        Poster Presentation. IMECE2015-54074                    ty, College Station, TX, United States

        Sukhdeep Dhami, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Re-
        search, Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India, Ashutosh Sharma, Panjab Universi-  Converting Naturally Grown Algae Biomass into Activated Carbon via Bri-
        ty SSG Regional Center, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India       quetting and Carbonization Processes
                                                                Poster Presentation. IMECE2015-50973

        17-6                                                    Ramazan Asmatulu, Asanga Amarasekara, Wichita State University, Wich-
        EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES                                   ita, KS, United States

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