Page 34 - ASME_IMECE_2015_Program
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Track Plenary
modulation with these mechanisms blunt the detrimental effects of CPAP He is also a faculty member of the Applied Mathematics and Scientific
in the developing airway. Thus, understanding the mechanobiology of the Computation Program. His research interests include nonlinear phenome-
developing airway serves as a key first step towards targeting adverse na, dynamics and vibrations, and control. The publications that he has
effects of CPAP and hyperoxia in the context of neonatal wheezing and authored/co-authored include nearly 80 journal publications, a Wiley
pediatric asthma. textbook entitled “Applied Nonlinear Dynamics: Analytical, Computational,
and Experimental Methods” (1995, 2006), a Thomson/Cengage textbook
Biography: Y.S. Prakash is professor of anesthesiology and physiology, entitled “Vibrations” (2004, 2009), and a co-edited Springer book entitled
chair of the Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, and “Delay Differential Equations: Recent Advances and New Directions”
vice-chair of nnesthesiology at the Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota. He is a (2009). He holds four U.S. patents and one Japan patent, three related to
clinician-scientist with a background in electrical engineering (BTech), fiber optic sensors and two related to atomic force microscopy. He serves
BME (MS), physiology (PhD), and pnesthesiology (MD, University of on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Dynamics and
Minnesota, residency training at Mayo). Dr. Prakash has been involved in Control and Acta Mechanica Sinica, is a contributing editor of the
respiratory physiology and lung disease research since 1989. His work is International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, and serves as an associate
broadly focused on physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms that editor of Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE. He will start as the
regulate airway structure and function across the age spectrum in the editor of the ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics in
context of diseases such as asthma, wheezing in babies and children, and January 2016. He is a Fellow of ASME and AIAA, a senior member of IEEE,
pulmonary fibrosis. Relevant current projects include: (1) understanding and a member of ASA, AAM, and SPIE.
mechanobiological effects of continuous positive pressure ventilation in
lung growth of premature babies, (2) interactive roles of oxygen and
inflammation in perinatal lung growth and fibrosis, and (3) growth factors in
airway remodeling and fibrosis of adult asthma. Extramurally, Dr. Prakash is Track 4: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control
highly active in the lung biology and pulmonary medicine communities. He SESSION 4-1-2: PLENARY SESSION II
is Deputy Editor of American Journal of Physiology Lung Cell Molecular Tuesday, November 17, 10:30am–12:00pm
Physiology. He serves as a grant reviewer for NIH, and external advisor for 362B, Convention Center
PhD and clinical fellowship training committees. He is active in graduate The Future of Mechanical Engineering
education (PhD, MD, residency, fellowships) in anesthesiology and (IMECE2015-54178)
physiology/BME and has been inducted into the Academy of Research
Mentors of the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research. Dr. Delbert Tesar
University of Texas
Prakash is a member of Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA), the
Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA) and American Society
Abstract: The discipline has moved away from its core industrial applica-
for Clinical Investigation (ASCI).
tions of economic magnitude (railroads, aircraft, ships, manufacturing,
automobiles, trucks, construction machinery, orthotics, etc.). What is
needed now is a mechanically oriented commercial collaboration to
Track 4: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control develop open architecture modular mechanical systems with no single
SESSION 4-1-1: PLENARY SESSION I point failures that can be assembled/repaired/refreshed on demand using
Wednesday, November 18, 10:30am–12:00pm a responsive supply chain for highly certified standardized components in
360D, Convention Center minimum sets for each application domain. Low-cost sensors generate
Nonlinear Dynamics: A Journey through Experiments data that inform domain-specific operational software based on computa-
(IMECE2015-54177) tional intelligence to completely describe the subsystem/systems in
milliseconds, all monitored by criteria of clear physical meaning enabling
Balakumar Balachandran human visualization oversight based on highly structured performance
University of Maryland maps/envelopes. Finally, the millisecond decision updates must be carried
out by responsive/intelligent actuators, which is exactly equivalent to the
Abstract: Dynamics of a variety of mechanical and structural systems need mechanicals as the computer chip is to the electricals. Actuators better
consideration of nonlinearities. In this talk, a collection of experiments than the SoA by several orders of magnitude are required (virtually no
conducted to further our understanding of nonlinear dynamics will be inertia, no rolling element bearings in the force path, extraordinary
presented. The experimental findings will be explained with the help of stiffness and ruggedness, very high torque density, and very high
analytical and numerical studies. Grazing dynamics, slow-scale and efficiency). A revolution in the mechanicals is on the horizon, which is why
fast-scale decompositions, delay dynamics, and buckling influenced it is the best time in 100 years to be a young mechanical engineer.
oscillations will be considered to illustrate the ubiquitous presence of
nonlinearity influenced phenomena across length scales. Biography: D. Tesar holds the Carol Cockrell Curran Chair in Engineering
at The University of Texas, Austin. He has taught for 60 years (producing
Biography: Balakumar Balachandran received his BTech (naval architec- 68 PhD/168 MSc), worked in robotics for 50 years (assembling a modular
ture) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, MS (aerospace industrial robot in minutes in 1997), concentrated on intelligent actuators
engineering) from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, and PhD (engineering for 40 years (30 patents), and sat on three high-level U.S. science boards
34 mechanics) from Virginia Tech. Currently, he is a Minta Martin Professor of (Air Force, NASA, Army).
Engineering at the University of Maryland, where he has been since 1993.