Page 9 - ASME_IMECE_2015_Program
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ASME Conference Publications
As a registered attendee at
IMECE2015, you are granted
online access to the papers
accepted for presentation at the • You will receive an email with login information to the online
papers site once you have registered, and your registration email
conference on a dedicated online address and ID have been forwarded to Conference Publications.
• You will be taken to the “Restricted Access Login” screen when
site. This information sheet will
your first try to access a specific paper.
answer questions you may have • Follow instructions for “Logging in for the first time?”
about this access. • Enter the E-mail address and Registration ID you received when
you registered, then “Choose a login ID” and “Password.”
• On subsequent visits, you only need to enter your Login and
The online papers site replaces the CD/DVD distributed in previous years. The CD/DVD has been discontinued as a result of feedback from
organizers and attendees indicating that computer systems increasingly do not feature CD/DVD drives, and many attendees travel only with
mobile devices.
The compilation will be available to you at this site for a period of one year. At that time, you will be able to do a batch download of the papers
on the site for your use.
The compilation of papers is subject to ASME copyright. The content of the site is for personal use only by the registered attendee who has
been granted access by ASME. This access cannot be shared, and the content of the site cannot be distributed to other parties or download-
ed without permission from ASME.
The online papers are not the Conference Proceedings and cannot be used for citation. Once the conference has taken place, papers not
presented at the conference are removed from the online compilation, and the remaining content is published as the official Proceedings of
the conference on The ASME Digital Collection at Authors may refer to the Digital Collection for DOI
links and citation information for their papers.
The Proceedings on The ASME Digital Collection are distributed worldwide and also submitted for indexing to SCOPUS, COMPENDEX, the
Thomson Reuters Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and numerous other indexing and discovery services.
For Online Access FAQs, please refer to “About Online Papers” on the Conference Website,
You can also contact