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10-20 PERSPECTIVES FROM DIVISION 11:48am – Fabrication and Characterization of the
DIRECTORS, PROGRAM MANAGERS, AND Recycling of Composite Palm Materials, Shell, Leaves, and
DESIGN CHALLENGES Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10308
Ibrahim Alarifi, Khaled Alhummidy G. Almotery, Waleed
10-20-1 ONR, NIST, ARO 10:45AM–12:30PM Saeed M Alsaiari, Yazeed Abdulrahman Y. Alyoussef,
Convention Center, 251D Mohammad Farraj M. Alsahli, Meshal Mohammed O.
Alharbi, Tarek M.A.A. El-Bagory, Majmaah University,
Session Organizer: Natasha Vermaak, Lehigh University, Majmaah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Bethlehem, PA, United States
12:09pm – Investigations on the Thermal and
Session Co-Organizer: Andrew Gaynor, Weapons and Dynamic-Mechanical Properties of Rattan Cane Fibre
Materials Research Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, (Calamus Deeratus) Filled Epoxy Composites
MD, United States Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10313
Osita Obiukwu, Federal University of Technology Owerri,
10:45am – Design of Engineering Materials, Observations Owerri, Imo, Nigeria
From the ONR
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13109 10-4 MECHANICAL METAMATERIALS
Jule Christodoulou, Naval Materials S&T Division, Arlington,
VA, United States 10-4-2 Anomalous Physical Properties of Mechanical
11:27am – New Approaches to Materials Discovery and Metamaterials
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13456 Convention Center, 251C 2:00PM–3:45PM
Mark VanLandingham, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, United States Session Organizer: Jie Yin, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC, United States
12:09pm – Opportunities and Trends in the Materials Session Co-Organizer: Lifeng Wang, Stony Brook University,
Design Program at ARO Stony Brook, NY, United States
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13386
Evan Runnerstrom, Army Research Lab, RTP, NC, United 2:00pm – Axial-Shear Coupling and Dual Poisson’s Ratio of
States Undulated Tetra-Chiral and Tetra-Achiral Lattices
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13069
10-26 MATERIALS PROCESSING AND Zhihao Yuan, Jaehyung Ju, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
10-26-1 Materials Processing and 10:45AM–12:30PM 2:21pm – A Twist-Coupling Mechanism for Kirigami-
Characterization – I Inspired Volumetric Structures With Bistability
Convention Center, 251A Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13186
Max Cioban, Hiromi Yasuda, University of Pennsylvania,
Session Organizer: Ram Mohan, North Carolina Agricultural Philadelphia, PA, United States, Christopher X. Hong, Penn
and Technical State University, Greensboro, NC, United States Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States, Jordan R. Raney,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
10:45am – Ultrasonic Casting of Off-Eutectic Tin Bismuth 2:42pm – Constitutive Modeling of Chiral Mechanical
Solder Alloy for Mechanical Property Testing Metastructures
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10051 Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13420
Laura Smith, Jeffrey Jennings, Harris Corporation, Haodong Du, Liang Zhang, Bo Peng, Wenbin Yu, Purdue
Melbourne, FL, United States University, West Lafayette, IN, United States
11:06am – Enhancing the Frictional Behaviour of H-BN 3:03pm – Anomalous Strain Energy Transformation in
Reinforced Nanocomposites Through Laser Shock Peening Nonlocal Mechanical Metamaterials
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10162 Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13235
Joel J, M. Anthony Xavior, Vellore Institute of Technology, Eduard Karpov, John T. Klein, Larry A. Danso, University of
Vellore, India Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
11:27am – Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Fiber
Reinforced Thermoplastic
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10303
Seyed Hamid Sanei, Zachary Lash, Joshua Servey, Frank
114 Gardone, Chetan Nikhare, Pennsylvania State University, Erie,
PA, United States