Page 219 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
P. 219
11:27am – Magnetic Symmetry-Breaking Actuation for 11-8 SYMPOSIUM ON PERSPECTIVE ON
Shape Morphing and Soft Robotics FRACTURE AND FAILURE MECHANICS
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12498
Ruike Zhao, Shuai Wu, Rundong Zhang, Ohio State 11-8-2 Perspective on Fracture and Failure
University, Columbus, OH, United States
Mechanics II
11:48am – Strength of Additively Manufactured Brittle
Foams Convention Center, 255E 2:00PM–3:45PM
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13253
Sirui Bi, Enze Chen, Stavros Gaitanaros, Johns Hopkins Session Organizer: Ankit Srivastava, Texas A&M University,
University, Baltimore, MD, United States College Station, TX, United States
12:09pm – Imperfection-Sensitivity of Ultra-Thin CFRP Session Co-Organizer: Ashfaq Adnan, University of Texas at
Cylindrical Shells at Low Temperatures Arlington, Arlington, TX, United States
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12779
Xin Ning, Penn State University, State College, PA, United 2:00pm – Harnessing the Interface Mechanics of Hard
States Films and Soft Substrates for 3D Assembly by Controlled
Buckling – Part I
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12905
Yihui Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Yonggang
Huang, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States
11-7 SYMPOSIUM ON PLASTICITY, 2:21pm – Harnessing the Interface Mechanics of Hard
DAMAGE, AND FRACTURE Films and Soft Substrates for 3D Assembly by Controlled
Buckling – Part II
11-7-2 Plastic Anisotropy (I) 2:00PM–3:45PM Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12936
Convention Center, 251C Yihui Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Yonggang
Huang, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States
Session Organizer: William Scherzinger, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, United States
2:00pm – Failure of Advanced High Strength Steel Sheets 2:42pm – “Sideways” and Stable Crack Propagation in a
Invited Presentation. IMECE2019-10275 Silicone Elastomer
Frederic Barlat, Vivek K. Barnwal, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13254
(Republic) Matt Pharr, Seunghyun Lee, Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX, United States
2:42pm – Hill’s Mathematical Theory of Plastic Anisotropy: 3:03pm – Extracting Quantitative Information From Fracture
70 Years On Surfaces of Al Alloys and MMC
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12592 Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13674
Wei Tong, J. Sheng, Mohammed Alharbi, Southern Methodist Yali Barak, Dror Freedman, Shmuel Osovski, Technion –
University, Dallas, TX, United States Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
3:03pm – Micromorphic Theory of Plasticity and Its Finite 3:24pm – Observing Fracture Process at Atomic Scale With
Element Analysis Experimental Molecular Dynamics
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12950 Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13491
James Lee, George Washington University, Washington, DC, Scott Mao, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United
United States, Jiaoyan Li, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho States
Falls, ID, United States, Kerlin Robert, George Washington
University, Washington, DC, United States
3:24pm – Mechanical Properties of Steel Printed on
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10392
Seyed Allameh, Northern Kentucky University, Newport, KY,
United States, Miguel Ortiz Rejón, Northern Kentucky
University, Highland Height, KY, United States
3:45pm – Mechanical Characterization of Valve
Compression Packing at High Temperature
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10103
Xavier Legault, Abdel-Hakim Bouzid, Ali Salah Omar
Aweimer, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC,