Page 22 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9                                                      VOLT Leadership Workshop IMECE 2019
    2019 Student Design Competition Finals @ IMECE
                                                     Salons FGHI, 1st Floor,                                                         Solitude, 1st Floor,
                                                                                    Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
          Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
                                                                              Your Next Volunteer Position: Navigating Your ASME
    The 2019 Student Design Competition has challenged the                    Volunteer Pathway
    imagination and technical design skills of all its participants. At
    the Finals on Saturday, November 9, teams who’ve                          Volunteers are essential to ASME’s success. By being a
    participated in an SDC held at each E-Fest this year will                 volunteer you can share your skills and expertise in support of
    compete against each other in a modified, pick-and-place                   ASME’s mission, while also developing strengths that will serve
    competition. These teams will come equipped with a strategic              you outside ASME. In this workshop, we will explore different
    game plan, robot(s), and a will to battle it out for the                  volunteer pathways, including leadership positions in ASME,
    Championship Title.                                                       and help you chart your path forward to your next volunteer
                                                                              position. Seasoned volunteers who have successfully forged a
    SCHEDULE                                                                  path to leadership roles are encouraged to participate and
                                                                              share their own tips for advancing in ASME and making the
     8:00AM–8:30AM Team Arrivals and Check-In                                 most of the volunteer experience.
     8:30AM–9:30AM Robot Inspections
     9:30AM–12:30PM Practice & Preliminary Rounds                             Connect Presentation & Career Fair
    12:30PM–1:30PM LUNCH BREAK                                                                                                           5:00PM–7:30PM
     1:30PM–4:30PM Secondary & Semi Final Rounds
     4:30PM–5:00PM FINALS                                                                                                         Salons DE, 1st Floor,
                                                                                    Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel
    Old Guard Oral Presentation Competition
                                                               8:30AM–5:00PM  This year IMECE will be hosting a Career Fair geared towards
                                                                              Undergraduate and Graduate students and Early Career
                                             Deer Valley I & II, 1st Floor,   Engineers looking for new opportunities. We invite you to join
          Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek Hotel                     us for the Connect Reception and Career Fair where you can
                                                                              find out how to get involved with ASME, celebrate as we give
    All are invited to attend the finals of the Society-level Old Guard        out awards and network with companies looking to hire
    Oral Presentation Competition. Meet the engineering students              engineers. Join ASME Executive Director/CEO Tom Costabile
    who have successfully competed at the 2019 E-Fests and are                and special guests at the ASME Connect Event @ IMECE 2019.
    now vying for the $2,000 ASME Old Guard Prize for                         This roundtable discussion followed by Q&A will be focused
    outstanding presentation skills.                                          around the importance of student engagement, the benefits of
                                                                              professional membership and collaboration. Learn more about
    Like all effective professionals, engineers must possess a                what ASME has to offer, the future of the society, and your role
    well-developed ability to synthesize issues and communicate               in its success.
    both orally and in writing. This competition is designed to
    emphasize the value of an ability to deliver clear, concise,              IMECE and the ASME Student chapters from the University of
    and effective oral presentations, particularly pertaining to              Utah, Brigham Young University, and Utah State University are
    some sphere in which an engineer is or should be involved.                hosting a Career Fair open to undergraduate and graduate
    Presentation topics must address a technical, economic, or                students from the region and those attending IMECE events.
    environmental aspect of engineering or other basic engineering            The Career Fair will be held together with the Connect
    theme, and often relate to the students’ engineering                      Reception and Awards Presentations. Join us for this exciting
    design/analysis projects. For more information, please visit              event where top engineering students and early career                       professionals can network with leading companies in the
    competitions/old-guard-prize-oral-presentation-competition/               engineering community

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