Page 229 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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11-7 SYMPOSIUM ON PLASTICITY,                                    11-14 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS IN
DAMAGE, AND FRACTURE                                             EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS:
                                                                 EXPERIMENTS AND MODELING
11-7-5 Novel Experimental Methods

Convention Center, 255E            2:00PM–3:45PM                 11-14-2 Mechanics of Materials in Extreme

Session Organizer: Nitin Chandola, University of Florida,        Environments: Dynamic Behavior
Shalimar, FL, United States
                                                                 Convention Center, 255D         2:00PM–3:45PM

2:00pm – Analysis of Tube Expansion Using 3D Digital             Session Organizer: Owen Kingstedt, University of Utah,
Image Correlation and Numerical Modeling                         Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10035
Fethi Abbassi, American University of the Middle East,           2:00pm – Shock and High Pressure Response of Boron
Dasman, Kuwait, Furqan Ahmad, Dhofar University, Salalah,        Carbide: Experiments and MD Modeling
Dhofar, Oman, Ali Karrech, University of Western Australia,      Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-10212
Perth, Australia, Md. Saiful Islam, Dhofar University, Salalah,  Ghatu Subhash, Amnaya Awasthi, Matthew Devries,
Okinawa Japan                                                    University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States

2:21pm – Characterizing Shear Plastic Deformation and            2:21pm – Constitutive Modeling of Dynamic Strain Aging in
Failure Using Solid Bar Torsion Experiment With DIC              HCP Metals
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12992                          Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12343
Helena (Huiqing) Jin, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore,   Yooseob Song, George Voyiadjis, Louisiana State University,
CA, United States, Wei-yang Lu, Sandia National Laboratories,    Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Pleasanton, CA, United States, James Foulk, Jake Ostien,
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, United States       2:42pm – Comparative Study of the Dynamic Behavior of
                                                                 AA2519 Aluminum Alloy in T6 and T8 Temper Conditions
2:42pm – Structural Size Effects in the Transverse               Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10978
Compressive Strength of Unidirectional Fiber Composite           Adewale Olasumboye, Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY,
Laminates                                                        United States, Gbadebo Owolabi, Howard University,
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12669                          Washington, DC, United States, Olufemi Koya, Obafemi
Jing Xue, Kedar Kirane, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,     Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun, Nigeria, Horace Whitworth,
NY, United States                                                Nadir Yilmaz, Howard University, Washington, DC, United

3:03pm – Testing Methodologies for Anisotropic                   3:03pm – Modification to Peierl-Nabarro Dislocation Theory
Circumferential Properties of Nuclear Fuel Cladding              for Very High Strain Rate Deformation of Polycrystalline
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13469                          Metals
Robert S. Hansen, Utah State University, Logan, UT, United       Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-10165
States, David Kamerman, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho         Noushad Bin Jamal M, Lakshmana Rao Chebolu, Indian
Falls, ID, United States, Ryan Berke, Utah State University,     Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu,
Logan, UT, United States                                         India, Cemal Basaran, State University of New York, Buffalo,
                                                                 NY, United States
3:24pm – Seismic Design of Buried Pipelines Using
Fracture Mechanics: Past, Present, and Future                    11-33 MULTISCALE METHODS FOR
Poster Presentation. IMECE2019-13925                             SIMULATION AND DESIGN OF MATERIALS
Mohammad (Sasan) Iranpour, Allnorth Consulting Engineers,        INCLUDING MACHINE LEARNING AND
Vancouver, BC, Canada                                            OTHER EMERGING METHODS

                                                                 11-33-1 Multiscale Methods for Simulation and

                                                                 Design of Materials Including Machine Learning

                                                                 and Other Emerging Methods – I

                                                                 Convention Center, 257          2:00PM–3:45PM

                                                                 2:00pm – Molecular Simulations You Can Trust and
                                                                 Reproduce: The OpenKIM Framework
                                                                 Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12720
                                                                 Ryan S. Elliott, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN,
                                                                 United States, Ellad B. Tadmor, University of Minnesota,
                                                                 Minneapolis, MN, United States

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