Page 57 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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Room  8:45am–9:30am       PG. 9:45am–10:30am         PG. 10:45am–12:30pm       PG. 2:00pm–3:45pm         PG. 4:00pm–5:45pm PG.
251E                                                         10-4-4 :          118 10-4-5 : Dynamical
                                                             Reconfigurable                               119 10-17-1 :               120
255B                                                         Mechanical                and Transient
255C                                                         Metamaterials             Phenomena in          Constitutive
255D                                                                                   Mechanical
255E                                                 169 2-2-4 : Polymer               Metamaterials         Modeling of the
255F                                                         Additive
257                                                          Manufacturing I   18 2-2-5 : Polymer            Mechanical
258                                                                                    Additive
259                                                                                    Manufacturing II      Behavior and
355B                                                                                                         Performance of
                                                                                                             Electronic, Photonic,
355E                                                                                                         MEMS, and NEMS



                                                                                                             Packages, Modules,

                                                                                                             and Systems – I

      12-2-1 : Micro-and  169 12-2-2 : Micro-and                                                         19 2-2-6 : Hybrid           21
      Nano-Systems                Nano-Systems                                                                   Additive
      Engineering and             Engineering and                                                                Manufacturing
      Packaging Plenary           Packaging Plenary                                                              Processes
      Session I                   Session II

                                  13-12-1 : Safety   175 2-2-7 : Additive      18 2-14-1 : General       21
                                  Engineering, Risk          Manufacturing of          Manufacturing
                                  and Reliability            Composites &
                                  Analysis Plenary           Ceramics

                                                     5-2-2 : General           58  5-2-3 : General       59  5-2-4 : General         60
                                                                                                             Dynamics, Vibration
                                                     Dynamics, Vibration           Dynamics, Vibration       and Control IV          60
                                                     and Control II                and Control III           5-4-5 : Compliant
                                                     5-4-3 : Mechanism 58          5-4-4 : Mechanism 59
                                                     Design I                      Design II                 4-10-5 :
                               14-6-1 : Design,      181 4-2-5 : Injury and    43  4-10-4 :              44  Modeling 5
                               Systems and                   Damage                Computational
                               Complexity                    Biomechanics V        Modeling 4
                               Plenary Session

                                                     11-1-4 : Liquid           152 11-1-5 : Soft         153 11-1-6 : Mechanics 154
                                                     Crystal Elastomer
                                                                                   Actuating Materials       of Indentation,

                                                                                                             Injection and


                                                     11-47-4 : Drucker 153                                   11-5-1 : Mechanics,     155
                                                     Medal Symposium                                         Modeling and
                                                     – IV                                                    Manufacturing of
                                                                                                             Soft Materials and
                                                                                                             Soft Robots – I

                                                     11-7-7 : Plasticity       152 11-37-1 : IiSS        154 11-37-2 : IiSS          156
                                                     of Heterogeneous                  Session 1
                                                     Materials                         Composite             Session 2
                                                                                                             Material Instabilities

                                                     11-23-1 : Multi-          152 11-23-2 : Multi-      153 11-23-3 : Multi-        155

                                                     Scale Computations            Scale Computations        Scale Computations


      18-1-1 : Conference 217                        4-11-1 :                  43 4-11-2 :               44 4-12-1 : Sensors         45
      Wide Symposium                                 Musculoskeletal                   Musculoskeletal           and Actuators
      Plenary Session                                and Sports                        and Sports
                                                     Biomechanics 1                    Biomechanics 2

                                                     12-7-1 : Applied 169 11-27-1 : Mechanics 153 11-32-1 : Congress- 155

                                                     Mechanics and                 of Thin-Film and          Wide Symposium

                                                     Materials in Micro            Multi-Layer               on Additive

                                                     and Nano-Systems              Structures                Manufacturing:

                                                     – 1 Failure of Additively


                                                                                                             Materials – 1

                                                     13-6-1 : Prognostic                                     13-1-1 : Reliability
                                                     and Health                                              Methods
                                                     Management – I

                                                     14-4-1 : Design for 181 14-4-2 : Design for 181 14-3-1 :                        182

                                                     Additive                      Additive                  Optimisation I

                                                     Manufacturing I               Manufacturing II

   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62