Page 1 - PROPOSAL MRU FP UB 2020
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Rural Community Transformation in Agriculture

                    Management (from Conventional to Conservation

                                Agriculture) in East Java, Indonesia

                                               Medea Ramadhani Utomo

                 1  Social Economic Department, Agricultural Faculty, Brawijaya University, Veteran Road,
                        Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 65145, Tel: +62341 – 551611, Fax: 560011

                             *Corresponding Author: and +6281333142612


               The increasing demand for food can transform from traditional agriculture to conventional
               farming agriculture does not always offer long-term benefits. The rural communities in the
               province of East Java are largely driven by economic advantages. Occasionally, farmers
               have peak saturation because optimal yields are difficult to produce. The decrease in
               production is due to a decline in land resources capacity. Farmers begin to think about
               the proper management of agricultural land for the safety of their economic value for
               environmental damage. The transformation from traditional to contemporary traits is also
               called  the  direction  of  change  and  explicitly  explains  the  social-ecological  system  of
               transformation. The conversion to conservation agriculture is seen to overcome a number
               of problems arising from conventional practices which are not environmentally sound. The
               transformation of traditional agriculture into conservation can be done through research
               through  action  research.  The  results  found  that  farmers  transformed  towards
               conservation  agriculture  because  it  was  considered  to  provide  product  diversification,
               reduce crop failure and be able to minimize environmental damage. Ecologically, natural
               pest control will reduce production costs and be safe for the environment. Economically,
               conservation plants  provide  more  economic value  and  can  be  easily  reached  without
               expensive maintenance costs. Socially, collective awareness will provide conservation
               actions that appear both mechanical conservation and vegetative conservation. In order
               to  simplify  conservation  practices,  traditional  methods  have  been  developed  using
               modern methods. Modern methods are applied in widening paddy fields, using biological
               agents,  improving  irrigation  and  drainage  systems,  construction  of  water  reservoirs.
               Vegetatively, multiplying intercropping plants, reinforcing plants, ornamental plants and
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