Page 66 - Perez WDW 2004
P. 66
BREAKFAST – in the room I
• Be at the bus stop at about 7:30am if you would like to ride a lotn before the park becomes
more crowded
• It takes 45 minutes – 1 hour to get on bus, get to the park, get through security, and enter
the park
• Drive and park for free as a Disney Resort guest in the Hollywood Studios parking lot
Enter the park about 8:30am
• There is a Joffrey’s Coffee Shop right after you get in – great for hot or iced coffee and
breakfast if you’re still hungry
• Make your way down Hollywood Blvd and head straight for Toy Story Land
Start in Toy Story Land
• If you purchased LLMP, you should have a Slinky Dog booking early around 9am (you will
have until 10am to get there)
• Enjoy Toy Story Land
• Next, head to Galaxy’s Edge and do the attractions there
• Follow the itinerary as you choose keeping your LLMP bookings in mind
LATE LUNCH - 3:30pm Roundup Rodeo BBQ - 3 reservations Evelia Angelica for
Domingo, and Oscar Thell them you are together. Arrive about 3:15
Follow the itinerary as you choose after your meal
DINNER – food is SO MUCH better in EPCOT and the Food and Wine Festival is happening I
My suggestion is:
• About 4 or 5pm
Take the Skyliner from Hollywood Studios to EPCOT and either snack at the festival booths
OR eat at Regal Eagle BBQ – lots of seating space and no reservations necessary
The Skyliner is so fun to ride too!!
• Maybe ride Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure if the line is not too long or other rides if you plan
to stay in EPCOT until 9pm (see your EPCOT itinerary)
After dinner make a choice
• Stay in EPCOT until 9pm and watch the fireworks
• Ride the Skyliner back to Hollywood Studios about 8:00pm to catch the FANTASMIC! show
Back to Resort
• If you took the bus to Hollywood Studios, you can take a bus back to the resort from either
Hollywood Studios or EPCOT
• If you drove, take the Skyliner back to Hollywood Studios to get your car