Page 97 - Perez WDW 2004
P. 97

Select On•                              Price

              Memory Maker One Day               S69.00
              Includes all your photos and videos from one day of your choosing.
                                                            If you purchase before
              Purchase is nonrefundable.
                                                            before you go – for all days
              Memory Maker - Advance Purchase
              Includes all your photos and videos from your vacation; however, any
              photos taken prior to or within 3 days of the purchase date are not
              included. Purchase is nonrefu ndable.
              Memory Maker                      S199.00
                                                                  If you purchase pictures
              Includes all your photos and videos from your vacation. Purchase is
                                                                  after your trip
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102