Page 3 - February 2022 update10 Feb.indd
P. 3

Festival Events

              DR HINEMOA ELDER

              Friday 25 February                         8

              KYLE MEWBURN

              Saturday 26 February                   9

              MARY HOLM

              Saturday 26 February                  10


              Saturday 26 February                  11

              TOM SAINSBURY

              Saturday 26 February                  12

              Sunday 27 February                    13

              CYNRIC TEMPLE-CAMP
              Sunday 27 February                    14

              DAVID HILL
              Sunday 27 February                    15

              PIP ADAM

              Sunday 27 February                    16
         Gala opening Friday 25th February

    Covid 19, code red restrictions require everyone
    to be seated to eat and drink or mingle which
    defeats the purpose of the evening.   Cancelled

    Regretfully, the committe decided to cancel the
    Gala Opening.                                     3
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