Page 437 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 437
Chemical products for construction
General Information on Cleaning
• Selecting the correct cleaning agent for the contamination at hand is • The exposure time and the dilution ratio of the cleaning agents
half the job depend on the degree of dirtclend on the de
• For every type of contamination there is an appropriate cleanerr • Please adhere to technical and safety data sheet
• Be sure to test that the cleaner will not harm the surface being
cleaner. In order to do so you may want to test the material in an
inconspicuous location
Types of contamination
Inorganic Neutral Organic
Examples: Rust limescale boiler scale urine Examples: Bacteria fungi lichen odours Examples: Oils fats coal blood resin soot
scale milk scale concrete cement residue algae moss mould spores etc. protein waxes insects cooking residue etc.
brake dust iron deposits soap residues etc.
Choosing the right cleaner depending on the contamination!
In general, the correlation between the pH value and type of contamination should be
taken into account. The pH value is a value expressing the concentration of an acidic or alkaline aqueous solution.
Ultra Clean Red Green Growth Remover Surface Desinfection Citro-Power Ultra Clean Blue
Sanitary Power High Concentrate Clean-Express High-Performance Pipe and Drain Cleaner
Cleaner Cleaner
6890 1 210 6890 1 510 6890 1 710 6890 1 605 6890 1 425
Technical data subject to change.
Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations. Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG 437