Page 447 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 447

Chemical products for construction

         High Performance PTFE Oil S408

         • High Quality lubricant with PTFE added
                                                                   Your Advantage / Benefit
                                                                 Extremely capable of creep into tightest tolerances
                                                                 Pressure-resistant and emergency running lubrication
                                                                 Resistant to water, salt, diluted acids and alkalis
                                                                 Highly adhesive on areas treated, leaves a non-greasy
                                                                 lubricating film
                                                                 Prevents coking, friction, squeaking and creaking


                                                                 All lubricated areas which are exposed to the weather,
                                                                 temperature fluctuations, pressure and soiling such as door
                                                                 hinges, linkages, chains and locking cylinders, frame joints etc.

          Technical Data
          Colour:                   yellowish
          Temperature resistance:   -30 °C to +250 °C

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          6520 5575  HP PTFE OIL S408 500ML           ed 24

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        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   447
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