Page 467 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 467

Chemical products for construction

         Asphalt Paving

         • An innovative, newly developed, reactive, curing, high-performance-
           cold asphalt for repairing road and parking areas, made of concrete  Your Advantage / Benefit
           or asphalt for all load classes
         • Hardens very quickly and has very good adhesion to existing asphalt  Very easy to work and immediately fit for traffic
           and concrete surfaces, even when wet                  Once installed has very high durability comparable to that of con-
         • 100 % free of solvents and once cured is fully recycable just like con-  ventional hot mix asphalt
           ventional hot mixes                                   Can be processed at temperatures below 0 °C
         • Particularly suitable for smoothing potholes and frost buckling, filling  Especially suitable for repair of heavy-duty traffic areas
           of drill holes aftersampling, creating ramps and levelling out bumps
         • For levelling up road fixtures such as manhole covers or access co-

                                                                 The substrate must be stable and free of loose particles, coarse
                                                                 dirt, standing water and ice
                                                                 The damaged area should be dry or may be slightly damp
                                                                 Pour the cold asphalt directly from the bucket into the area to be
                                                                 repaired, with 5 – 10 % extra, spread and compact with a suit-
                                                                 able device (tamper, vibrating plate compactor, roller etc)
                                                                 After compacting, sprinkle with sand, to prevent spoiling the co-
                                                                 lour of the traffic area

          Technical Data
          Particle size:      0/4 mm
          Colour:             black
          Ambient temperature:  -15 °C to + 40 °C
          Material temperature:  +2 °C to +25 °C
          Application rate:   see coverage table in Technical Data

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          6880 25    KG<25> ASPHALT PAVING              25

               Related Products

             Concrete rammer                   Alu-Tar Distr. Hollow     Nitrile Gloves Yellow Partly
            Art.-No. 5417 20                   pro 70ml                  Coated
                                               Art.-No. 5417 700 1       Art.-No. 5405 21, size 8
                                                                         Art.-No. 5405 22, size 9
                                                                         Art.-No. 5420 23, size 10

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   467
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