Page 343 - Icon Ridge Electric Trade Catalog
P. 343

Hand tools

         Light-Metal Magnet Spirit Level

         • Same design as the light-metal spirit level but with strong magnet
         • Accuracy at standard measurement: 0.057° corresponds to 1.0

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          4717 40 2  LM-MAGNET SPIRIT LEVEL    40CM      1
          4717 60 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL    60CM      1
          4717 80 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL    80CM      1
          4717 100 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL   100CM     1
          4717 120 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL   120CM     1
          4717 150 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL   150CM     1
          4717 180 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL   180CM     1
          4717 200 2  LM-MAGNET-SPIRIT LEVEL   200CM     1

         Light Metal-Precision-Spirit Level

         • Precision-version such as light metal-spirit level but with milled
           measuring surface (up to 120 cm)
           - Accuracy at standard measurements: 0.029° corresponds to 0.5
           - Suitable for overarm and turnover measurements: 0.043° corres-
            ponds to 0.75 mm/m
           - From a length of 150 cm with 2 vertical-vials for ideal read off and
            high degree of accuracy
         • The spirit level for the cabinet maker, interior fittings and where low
           tolerance is necessary

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          4717 40    LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL 40CM      1
          4717 60    LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL 60CM      1
          4717 80    LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL 80CM      1
          4717 100   LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL100CM      1
          4717 120   LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL120CM      1
          4717 150   LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL150CM      1
          4717 180   LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL180CM      1
          4717 200   LM-PRECISION-SPIRIT LEVEL200CM      1

         Electrician’s Spirit Level

         • Strong rectangle profile with flat side surfaces made of corrosion
           resistant light-metal alloy
         • Powder-coated surfaces
         • Unbreakable vials made of block-acrylic glass
         • Accuracy of measurement: 0.029° = 0.5 mm/m in standard position
         Art.-No. 4717 43 50 and 4717 120 50:
         • With integrated plastic sleeves for marking the drilling holes of
           multiple sockets
         • Patented blocks help to keep the spirit level on the wall

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          4717 22 50  ELECTR.SPIRIT LEVEL 22CM           1
          4717 43 50  ELECTR.SPIRIT LEVEL 43CM           1

       Technical data subject to change.
       Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                  343
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