Page 411 - Icon Ridge Electric Trade Catalog
P. 411

VARO Shelving and Stocking System, Workshop Lorries, Assortments, Vehicle Modules

          Tool Trolley Mechanic
                              Stable handle                                 plastic-worktop

                                                                              Tested with 40 kg according to DIN , 25 kg
                                                                              load per drawer is recommended
          Individual locking of
          every drawer prevents
                                                                               All drawers 100% telescopic due to ball
          unintended opening                                                   bearing telescopic slide
          when shunting, ball
          bearing guide rails are
               Big surfaces for
               accessories at the
          3-phase locking concept
          for higher security
          - Central locking with cylinder
           lock + 2 keys
          - Individual locking
          - Plus pull-out stop for
           minimum tilting risk (can be
                                                                                          4990 179 180 33
           deactivated by the user with
           a few manual adjustments)
                                               Ball bearing
                                               rollers Ø 125 mm

          • Telescopic drawers
          • Drawers 100% telescopic
                                                                                          4990 179 180 34
          • Individual drawer locking with pull-out stop
          • Central locking for drawers lockable
          • Load capacity of drawers according to DIN tested with 40 kg
          • Stable handle mounted at corpus
          • Solvent-resistant worktop
          • Rectangle hole grid at the side walls
          • Edge protection at every corner
          Art. No. 4990 179:
          • Tool trolley mechanic blue /light grey (RAL5003 / RAL7035)      4990 179 31 4
          Art. No. 4990 179 1:
          • Tool trolley mechanic black / light grey (RAL 9005/ RAL 7035)
          Art. No. 4990 179 2:
                                                                                               4990 179 32 4
          • Tool trolley mechanic red / red light grey (RAL 2002 / RAL 7035)
          Art. No. 4990 179 0 1:
          • Tool trolley mechanic blue / anthracite (RAL 5003 / RAL 7016)
          Art. No. 4990 179 1 1:
          • Tool trolley mechanic black / anthracite (RAL 9005 / RAL 7016)
          Art. No. 4990 179 2 1:
          • Tool trolley mechanic red / anthracite (RAL 2002 / RAL 7016)
          • Trolley (H × W × D): 1,040 × 817 × 502 mm
          • Drawers (H × W × D): : 5× 75 × 524 × 398 mm, 2× 160 × 524 × 398 mm
          • High-quality ball bearing rollers Ø 125 mm

          Article No.   Article Description            QTY
          4990 179      TOOL TROLLEY MECHANIC BLUE       1                            4990 179 1       4990 179 2
          4990 179 1    TOOL TROLLEY MECHANIC BLACK      1
          4990 179 2    TOOL TROLLEY MECHANIC RED        1
          4990 179 0 1  TOOL TROLLEY BLUE/ANTCRACITE     1
          4990 179 1 1  TOOL TROLLEY BLACK/ANTHRACITE    1
          4990 179 2 1  TOOL TROLLEY RED/ANTHRACITE      1
          4990 179 31 4  SHELF DIV.SET F.179 DRAW.FLAT   1
          4990 179 32 4  SHELF DIV.SET F.179 DRAW.HIGH   1
          4990 179 180 33  RECYCLE BIN FOR TROLLEY 179   1
          4990 179 180 34  HOLD.FOR PAP.ROLL F.TROLLEY179  1
          5001 80 08    180-08 CYLINDER LOCK+KEY         1
          5001 79 011   179-011 SWIVEL CAST.W.LOCKABL.   1
          5001 79 09    179-09 FIXED CASTOR              1          4990 179 0 1      4990 179 1 1    4990 179 2 1

       Technical data subject to change.
       Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                  411
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