Page 560 - Icon Ridge Automotive & Truck Catalog (1)
P. 560

Hand tools

         Wiper Blade Pulling Set - Addition

         • Addition set for Art. No. 4912 90 for further vehicles according to the
         • Consisting of 2 pairs of hooks (U1 and SP-50), spindle and press pin

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          4912 90 15  WIP.BL.PUL.SET ADD.SET U1/SP50     1

                                    front                              front                              front
          Vehicle make / type               Vehicle make / type                Comm.veh. / type
                                    Grippe  Spindle  mount             Grippe  Spindle  mount             Grippe  Spindle  mount
          Audi                              Hyundai                            MAN
          A2                       U1       Caupe                     U1                                 U1
          A3 up to year 2003       U1SP-50  Santa Fe                  U1       MB
          A3 from year 2004        U1SP-50  Souata                    U1                                 U1
          A4 up to year 2001       U1SP-50  Terracau                  U1       Scania
          A4 up to year 2004       U1SP-50  Kia                                                          U1
          A4 from year 2005        U1SP-50  Cerato                    U1       etc.
          A6 up to year 2004       U1       Picanto                   U1                                 U1
          A6 from year 2005        U1       Rio                       U1
          A8 up to year 2001       U1       Sorento                   U1
          A8 from year 2002        U1SP-50  Land Rover
          TT                       U1       Range Rover           right  -
          BMW                                                      left U1
          1 series                 U1       Mazda
          3 series                 U1       2                         U1
          5 series             right  -     MPV EXclusiv 6            U1SP-50
                                left U1     Premacy                   U1SP-50
          5 series E 60        right  -     Rx8                       U1SP-50
                                left U1     MG-Rover
          7 series E 38        right  -     T5                        U1
                                left U1     Nissan
          7 series E 65        right  -     Primera                   U1
                                left              Peugeot
          X3                   right  -
                                left U1     407                       U1
          Chevrol/Daewoo                    807                       U1
          Kalos                    U1SP-50  Porsche
          Nubira                   U1SP-50  Boxster                   U1
          Chrysler-Jeep                     911                       U1
          Cruiser                  U1       Cayenne                   U1SP-50
          Citroen                           VW
          C8                       U1       Caddy                     U1
          Fiat                              Golf III                  U1
          Ulysse                   U1       Golf IV                   U1
          Ford                              Golf V                    U1
          Fiest                    U1SP-50  Passat bis Bauj. 2004     U1
          Focus                    U1SP-50  Passat bis Bauj. 2005     U1
          Ka rear                  U1       Polo                      U1SP-50
          Mondeo                   U1SP-50  Sharan                    U1SP-50
          Honda                             Touareg               right U1SP-50
          CRV up to year 2000      U1SP-50  Touran                    U1
          CRV  from year 2001      U 1      T5                        U1SP-50
          HRV up to year 2000      U1SP-50

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                  560
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