Page 202 - Industrial Tools Catalog (3)
P. 202

Environment + disposal \ Tilting container for manual emptying
        Tilting container, manual tilting – mobile
         carrying capacity 300 kg

        Application:                      ƒ Wheels mean that it is
        For the collection and disposal of all types of bulk   mobile and can therefore
        goods and solid materials with floor-level emptying   be used anywhere
        Execution:                        Goods supplied without
        ƒ Sturdy sheet steel structure with edge reinforce-  packaging as standard.    Ident. No. 161
         ment, base frame made of section steel, oil- and   Packaging available for an
         waterproof                       additional charge.
        ƒ Anti-tilt securing device       Notes:
        ƒ 2 wheels + 1 steering wheel (from content 600 l   Upon request: galvanised lid, opening on two sides
         = + 2 steering wheels) from solid rubber diameter
         250 x 60 mm, among which one steering wheel   Technical data:
         with a locking device, with a push handle  ƒ With stacker seat tilt function: No
        ƒ With fork pockets with protection against acci-  ƒ With perforated sheet: No
         dental slipping and tipping      ƒ With drain valve: No
        Advantage:                        ƒ Oil and watertight: Yes
        ƒ With floor-level emptying option
                                                         Surface  Lacquered
                                                          Colour  Light blue RAL
          Volume   Tipper   Length x   Fork   Fork   Number   Load-car-  50266...
           (m³)   edge   width x   pocket   pocket size  of wheels   rying   Ident. No.
                  height   height  clearance   (W x H)  (PCS)  capacity
                  (mm)           (A) (mm)                (kg)
          0.25    680   1115 x 820   465  170 x 55   3   300   160   (○) +
                        x 990 mm
                         1320 x         170 x 55
           0.4    740   900 x 1090   465          3      300   161   (○) +
                          mm              mm
                         1395 x
           0.6    830    1070 x   465   170 x 55   4     300   162   (○) +
                        1220 mm
                         1420 x
           1.0    870    1340 x   465   170 x 55   4     300   163   (○) +
                        1290 mm
        Prod. Gr. 5AI
        h For technical drawing of fork pockets and colours available at no extra charge, see page 1621
              Tilting container, manual tilting – mobile with total stop
               carrying capacity up to 800 kg
        Application:                      Advantage:
        For the collection and disposal of all types of bulk   ƒ Totalstop brake system for ideal locking of
        goods and solid materials with floor-level emptying   container for tipping
        option.                           ƒ With floor-level emptying option
        Execution:                        Technical data:
        ƒ Skip with sliding handle        ƒ With stacker seat tilt function: No        Ident. No. 012
        ƒ Robust sheet steel construction, double-folded top  ƒ With perforated sheet: No
         rim, double-folded dumping edge  ƒ With drain valve: No
        ƒ 2 steering and 2 fixed castors, 200 x 40 mm TPE   ƒ With wheel lock: Totalstop
         wheels, hubs with grooved ball bearings, Totalstop   ƒ Oil and watertight: Yes
         braking system
        ƒ No link chain slide guard (see no. 50266034)
                                                                                Surface  Powder-coated  Powder-coated
                                                                                 Colour  Brilliant blue RAL   Anthracite grey
                                                                                                   RAL 7016
           Form  Volume (m³)  Tipper edge   Internal   Length x   Fork pocket  Fork pocket   Number of   Load-car-  50266...  50266...
                          height (mm)  length x in-  width x   clearance   size (W x H)  wheels  rying ca-  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                                  ternal width   height  (A) (mm)             pacity (kg)
                                   x internal
           Low     0.25     780   1200 x 652   1359 x 713   203  194 x 72   4  750    088   ●    008   ○
                                           x 780 mm
                                   x 413 mm
         Box-shaped  0.45   733   1214 x 669   1374 x 730   203  194 x 72   4  750    089   ●    012   ○
                                           x 1072 mm
                                   x 708 mm
         Box-shaped  0.6    843   1321 x 794   1458 x 855   327  194 x 72   4  750    090   ●    014   ○
                                           x 1099 mm
                                   x 735 mm
         Box-shaped  0.8    843   1321 x 1044  1458 x 1105   577  194 x 72   4  800   091   ●    016   ○
                                   x 735 mm
                                           x 1099 mm
        Prod. Gr. 5AE
        h For technical drawing of fork pockets, see page 1621
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        1628  Technical data subject to change.                  
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations
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