Page 238 - Industrial Tools Catalog (3)
P. 238

Environment + disposal \ Safety cabinets

             Safety cabinet, type 90
              BATTERY CLASSIC XL
        Application:                      Advantage:
        with BATTERY XL for compliance with all laws, regu-  ƒ airing and ventilation on each cabinet level for
        lations and directives, in particular the guidelines for   optimised air exchange
        storage in accordance with the German Insurance   ƒ in the event of a fire inside or outside, the block-
        Association‘s (GDV) technical information sheet on   age-free door closure is automatically activated via
        loss prevention for lithium-ion batteries from VdS   a thermal element
        and FM Global.                    ƒ automatic locking in the event of a fire to prevent
        With additional facilities for hazard control in the   backdraft
        case of spontaneous combustion of the battery,
        process reliability is ensured and can be taken into   Notes:
        account during hazard analysis.   Optional temperature sensors and Cabi2Net or
                                          Smart Control as an early warning system for the
        Execution:                        detection of thermal events deliverable on request.
        ƒ doors fitted with integrated hold-open device as
         standard                         Technical data:
        ƒ self-closing and locking doors for protection  ƒ Model: BATTERY XL
         against backdraft from the inside  ƒ Fire resistance rating: F90
        ƒ Separate thermal elements for automatic door  ƒ Number of doors: 2 PCS
         closing and locking in all storage levels in the event  ƒ With single-handed swing door technology: No
         of a fire                        ƒ External height: 2085 mm
        ƒ can only be unlocked by authorised personnel after   ƒ External width: 1094 mm
                                          ƒ Depth: 612 mm
         a fire                           ƒ Interior height: 1697 mm
        ƒ extraction of harmful vapours above the collecting   ƒ Internal width: 979 mm
         tray as well as on each cabinet level  ƒ Internal depth: 457 mm
        ƒ Lower tray with perforated metal sheet rust  ƒ With base basin: Yes
        ƒ bearing base, collecting tray and perforated metal   ƒ Number of shelves: 3 PCS
         inserts made from sheet steel    ƒ Colour of front: Light-tan PANTONE 389 C
        ƒ hinged doors and outer body made of powder-  ƒ Body colour: Light grey RAL 7035
         coated sheet steel
        50069...     Ident. No.  050
        Prod. Gr. 5AJ
                    Product details

           Integrated hold-open device  A first in preventive fire protection  Self-closing in the event of a fire  Protection from flue gas explosions
         The doors of the safety cabinets are   Self-closing and locking doors for   In the event of a fire – whether inside or   (backdraft)
               fitted as standard         protection               outside the        After automatic door closing and
         with an integrated hold-open device,   from flue gas explosions (backdraft)   safety cabinet – door closing is auto-  locking
        which allows for the comfortable han-  from the inside.  matically initiated by separate thermal   in the event of fires, such as due to
               dling of batteries.                                 elements.                self-ignited
                                                                                     lithium-ion batteries, unlocking can
                                                                                      only be carried out by authorised

        The extraction of harmful vapours takes
         above the floor collecting tray as well
                 as at each
                cabinet level.
        The use of BATTERY XL enables you to meet legal requirements, in particular the guidelines for
        storage in accordance with GDV‘s technical information sheet on damage prevention for lithium-ion batteries from VdS and FM
        Global. With additional equipment for hazard control in the event of spontaneous combustion of the
        batteries, process reliability is sustainably ensured and can be taken into account accordingly
        in your hazard analysis.

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        1664  Technical data subject to change.                  
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations
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