Page 309 - Icon Ridge Maintenance & Service Catalog
P. 309

Drilling, Milling, Tapping and Threading

         General Characteristics

          DIN   Twist drills with cylinder shank                     High speed steel for drilling in highly preocessable
          338                                                  HSS   materials with a strength of up to 900 N/mm²

          DIN   Spiral drills with thickened cylinder shank   HSSE   High-speed steel with 5% carbon content. High
          338                                                  Co 5  toughness and heat resistance for drilling in difficult to
                                                                     machine materials with a strength of up to 1,100 N/mm².

          DIN   Long twist drills with cylinder shank         HSSE   High-speed steel with 8% carbon content. Very high
                                                                     strength and excellent heat resistance for drilling in high
           340                                                 Co 8  strength materials, austenitic steel, for hot forging, etc.,
                                                                     with a strength of up to 1,300 N/mm².
          DIN   Twist drill with morse taper shank

                Extra short twist drill with cylinder shank
          DIN                                                        Titanium nitride coating increases the service life compared
          1897                                                 TiN   to uncoated tools.

                Centering drill  60° - Form A
          DIN                                                        Titanium-aluminum-nitride coating increases the resistance
           333                                                TiAIN  to oxidation and hot-setting.

          DIN   Extra long twist drills with cylinder shank

                    Conical section (normal section)                     Split point
                    Strong main cutting edges, resistant against shock and  Prolonged main cutting edges, resistant against shock,
                    possible lateral forces, easy to sand by hand        good heat dissipation for greater durability

                                                                                                     main cutting
           angle of twist
                                                                           point angle

                                                                                                     cross cutting
               core             groove profile      point sharpening                                  edge

          Guide values - recommended speed in 1/rpm

          Drill Ø  Steel          Stainless steel  Aluminium      Brass          Plastic        High strength steel
          1 mm     2.800          2.200           5.500           4.500          2.500          1.800
          2 mm     2.600          2.000           5.000           4.000          2.300          1.200
          3 mm     2.200          1.600           4.500           3.500          1.900          800
          4 mm     1.800          1.250           4.000           3.100          1.500          630
          5 mm     1.500          1.000           3.500           2.750          1.250          510
          6 mm     1.250          800             3.050           2.400          1.050          420
          7 mm     1.060          660             2.650           2.100          900            360
          8 mm     900            560             2.330           1.800          775            310
          9 mm     770            490             2.000           1.540          660            280
          10 mm    660            430             1.730           1.300          580            250
          11 mm    580            375             1.480           1.080          510            230
          12 mm    510            330             1.250           860            450            210
          13 mm    450            300             1.050           700            400            190
          14 mm    400            270             870             550            360            170

       Technical data subject to change.
       Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG             309
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