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P. 384

Milling tools monoblock \ Solid carbide mills for machining stainless steel

                    Solid carbide mills for machining stainless steel

                        Solid carbide miniature end mill
                         2 flutes, ULTRA MS-coated

         VHM  ULTRA  VA  Z                HA
              MS         2        γ = 11°
        Application:                      ƒ with clearance
        Ultra-precise mini end mill with long neck for reliable   ƒ high-performance ULTRA MS layer
        machining of stainless steels, titanium, nickel and   ƒ defined cutting edge rounding
        copper alloys.
                                            ƒ centre cutting
        Execution:                        Advantage:
        ƒ ultra-fine grain cemented carbide  ƒ large selection of clearance lengths
        ƒ tolerance: < dia. 0.7 mm = 0/-0.012 mm and < dia.   ƒ optimum chip removal and temperature resistance
         4 mm = 0/-0.020 mm
        ƒ HA straight shank               ƒ maximum service life thanks to ULTRA MS coating
          Application  Steel (N/mm ) 2  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
            No.   <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
         16670002-132  45  40    35   30                                           45   40   45
                                          Type    VA                                         Type    VA
                                         Surface  ULTRA MS                                 Surface  ULTRA MS
                                  Tool holding device HA parallel shank              Tool holding device HA parallel shank
                             Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  e8                    Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  e8
                                 Tolerance of shank Ø  h6                           Tolerance of shank Ø  h6
                                      Z    fz   16670...                                 Z   fz   16670...
                                     (PCS) steinl.  Ident. No.                          (PCS) steinl.  Ident. No.
         mm   mm   mm  mm   mm   mm       st. ˜             mm   mm  mm   mm   mm   mm      st. ˜
         0.2  0.3  0.5  50  0.16  4   2  0.003 002   ●      1.5  2.3  16  50  1.45  4    2   0.01  076  ●
         0.3  0.4  2    50  0.26  4   2  0.003 010   ●      1.5  2.3  20  60  1.45  4    2  0.009 078  ●
         0.4  0.6  2    50  0.37  4   2  0.004 014   ○       2   3    6   50  1.95  4    2  0.018 080  ●
         0.4  0.6  4    50  0.37  4   2  0.003 018   ○       2   3    8   50  1.95  4    2  0.018 082  ●
         0.5  0.7  2    50  0.45  4   2  0.006 022   ●       2   3    10  50  1.95  4    2  0.017 084  ●
         0.5  0.7  4    50  0.45  4   2  0.005 024   ●       2   3    12  50  1.95  4    2  0.016 086  ●
         0.5  0.7  6    50  0.45  4   2  0.004 026   ●       2   3    16  50  1.95  4    2  0.014 088  ●
         0.6  0.9  2    50  0.55  4   2  0.007 030   ●       2   3    20  60  1.95  4    2  0.013 090  ●
         0.6  0.9  4    50  0.55  4   2  0.006 032   ●       2   3    25  75  1.95  4    2  0.012 092  ●
         0.6  0.9  6    50  0.55  4   2  0.005 034   ●      2.5  3.7  8   50   2.4  4    2  0.023 096  ●
         0.8  1.2  4    50  0.75  4   2  0.007 040   ●      2.5  3.7  10  50   2.4  4    2  0.023 098  ●
         0.8  1.2  6    50  0.75  4   2  0.007 042   ●      2.5  3.7  12  50   2.4  4    2  0.023 100  ●
         0.8  1.2  8    50  0.75  4   2  0.006 044   ●      2.5  3.7  16  50   2.4  4    2   0.02  102  ●
          1   1.5  6    50  0.95  4   2  0.008 050   ●      2.5  3.7  20  60   2.4  4    2  0.017 104  ●
          1   1.5  8    50  0.95  4   2  0.008 052   ●      2.5  3.7  25  60   2.4  4    2  0.015 106  ●
          1   1.5  10   50  0.95  4   2  0.007 054   ●       3   4.5  8   50  2.85  6    2  0.027 110  ●
          1   1.5  12   50  0.95  4   2  0.006 056   ●       3   4.5  10  50  2.85  6    2  0.027 112  ●
          1   1.5  16   50  0.95  4   2  0.005 058   ●       3   4.5  12  50  2.85  6    2  0.027 114  ●
         1.2  1.8  6    50  1.15  4   2  0.011 060   ●       3   4.5  16  60  2.85  6    2  0.025 116  ●
         1.2  1.8  8    50  1.15  4   2   0.01  062  ●       3   4.5  20  60  2.85  6    2  0.023 118  ●
         1.2  1.8  10   50  1.15  4   2  0.009 064   ●       3   4.5  25  75  2.85  6    2  0.021 120  ●
         1.5  2.3  6    50  1.45  4   2  0.014 068   ●       4   4.5  20  60  3.85  6    2  0.033 126  ●
         1.5  2.3  8    50  1.45  4   2  0.013 070   ●       4   4.5  25  75  3.85  6    2   0.03  128  ●
         1.5  2.3  10   50  1.45  4   2  0.012 072   ●       4   4.5  30  75  3.85  6    2   0.03  130  ●
         1.5  2.3  12   50  1.45  4   2  0.011 074   ●       4   4.5  40  75  3.85  6    2  0.026 132  ●
        Prod. Gr. 152
                        Solid carbide end mill
                         3 cutting edges, ULTRA MS-coated
         VHM  ULTRA  VA  Z                HA   HB
              MS         3        γ = 10°
        Application:                      ƒ centre cutting                            Ident. No. 150–166
        End mill for machining stainless steel, titanium alloy,   ƒ Ident. No. 150–166: HB straight shank
        nickel and copper alloys.         ƒ Ident. No. 170–186: HA straight shank
        Execution:                        Advantage:
        ƒ ultra-fine grain cemented carbide  ƒ optimised, positive cutting geometry
        ƒ with clearance                  ƒ optimum chip removal and temperature resistance  Ident. No. 170–186
        ƒ high-performance ULTRA MS layer  ƒ maximum service life thanks to ULTRA MS coating
        ƒ defined cutting edge rounding
          Application  Steel (N/mm ) 2  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
            No.   <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
         16670150-166  140  130  70   60                                           70   60   70
         16670170-186  140  130  70   60                                           70   60   70

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        384   Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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