Page 495 - Industrial Tools Catalog (1)
P. 495

Lathe tools \ Technical introduction–turning - ISO turning

                           FP – extremely positive cutting opti-  MP – positive cutting and yet robust!  MU – soft cut with unstable conditions!
                           mised for smoothing and fine lathing!
          Use              Very positive chip breaker for low cutting   Positive chip breaker for medium infeeds   Positive chip breaker for medium infeeds
                           depths and high surface quality  with high cutting edge stability  with soft cut
          Advantages       ƒ Very low cutting forces and good chip   ƒ Low cutting forces and high cutting edge  ƒ Wide range of applications in unstable
                            control                    stability in unfavourable conditions  conditions
                           ƒ Wide chip breakage scope for smoothing  ƒ High feed rates and high material   ƒ High feed and low cutting forces
                            and precision lathe machining  removal rate
                           ƒ Wide material range      ƒ Variable infeed area with controlled chip
          Cutting forces
          Surface quality
                            16,0                       16,0
                            8,0                        8,0
                            4,0         FP             4,0         MP                          MU
                            2,0                        2,0
                            1,0                        1,0
                            0,5                        0,5
                                        12°                                                    10°
                              0,1  0,2  0,4  0,8  1,6    0,1  0,2  0,4  0,8  1,6

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   495
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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