Page 584 - Icon Ridge Automotive & Truck Catalog
P. 584

Hand tools


         Application field for construction:
         • For quick and easy mounting of standard windows
         • The soft air bag protects and prevents defects and scratchings
         • The Winbag makes a precise, easy and steppless adaption of the
           window possible
         • Even big windows can be mounted by only one person
         Application field for automotive:
         • For quick and protective opening of car doors
         • Winbag can be positioned easily between door and frame or bet-
           ween window and rubber strips
         • The soft air bag protects lacquer, frames, strips and glasses
         • The valve makes a stepless adjustment of the bag size possible
         Working and security advices:
         • Keep the mounting bag away from sharpened and pointed objects
         • A low pressure loss of Winbag has to be considered
         • Make sure that the windows are closed during operation
         • The Winbag is able to exert enormous pressure on the environment
           and therefore has to be pumped up with care

                                                              Application Automotive:

                                                              1a:                       2a:
                                                              One or two Winbags are inserted between  The Winbags can the nbe pumped up
                                                              the car door and the frame.The Windbags  carefully until there is enough space to slide
                                                              will be easier to position if they are first  the locking system in.
                                                              sprayed with FÖRCH silicone spray.

          Technical Data
          Pressure:        approx. 100 kg/pc.
          - Not pumped:    2 mm
          - Max. pumped    70 mm                              1b:                       2b:
          Material:        Fibre reinforced plastic           Place one or two Winbags between the  The Winbag is pumped up using the hand
                                                              window pane and the rubber strip on the car.  pump.This generates a small gap between
                                                              Slide the Winbag in place as shown on the   the window pane and the car door.The
          Article No.  Article Description             QTY    illustration.             Windbag holds the pressure and ensures the
                                                                                        intermediate space.This allows you to use
          4912 5     FÖRCH-WINBAG                       e 4                             traditional tools for opening the door leaving
                                                                                        both hands free.

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                  584
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