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Milling tools monoblock \ Labelling and marking tools

                      Marking tools
                        …and your machine marks economically

                                          the AMF-Writer and AMF-Marker are tools for permanently marking workpieces. they are preferably clamped
                                          in collet chucks and Weldon chucks, and mounted in the machine spindle of a CNC machine.
                                          marking is achieved through a combination of material compaction and material displacement, which we call
                                          “rolling”. in other words, the mark is generated by means of a special needle with extremely hard ball.

                                          through the special design and very high-quality guides, it is possible for this tool to produce uniform and
                                          high-quality marking on rough or smooth surfaces which are uneven by between 3 and 9 mm without height
                                          compensation from the spindle. it can be infi nitely adapted to diff erent materials, material hardnesses and
                                          to realise diff erent marking depths.
                                          this tool is especially economical due to the low purchase costs, long service life and the enormous time

         advantages at a glance:
            the surface is not weakened or damaged, but compacted and thus strengthened
            high marking speeds are possible
            high wear resistance, resulting in long service life
          also suitable for thin-walled workpieces
          no ridge is produced on the marking line
          high-quality typeface
          workpiece unevenness is compensated for
          also suitable for marking rounded surfaces (up to 15°)
          depending on the version, it is possible to mark surfaces with a hardness of up to 57 HRC
          no noise generated

                       Are you producing or are you still marking?
                        …faster rationalisation through signifi cantly reduced marking times
                           marking time                                    savings a  er use

                     60 min.       12 min.                      €20,000      €40,000       €60,000
                   marking method  AMF marking tools           single-layer   dual-layer   triple-layer

         using the marking tools has proven to reduce marking time in the machining centre by over 75 %.
         if 60 minutes used to be spent per shi   on 60 marking operations in a machining centre, deploying the AMF marking tool will reduce the pure marking time to
         12 minutes.
         through automated workpiece loading and the ability of the tool to mark at speed, you can achieve savings in series. our customer example shows savings of
         € 60,000 per year, based on three-shi   manufacturing utilisation. This guarantees rapid amortisation of the invested sum.
                       process                   conventional marking method          with marking tool
         machine cost (in €/h)                            100                              100
         number of marking operations per shi   (8 hrs)  60 pieces                       60 pieces
         time per marking operation                    60 seconds                        12 seconds
         time per marking operation per shi             60 minutes                       12 minutes
         costs for marking per shi                       €100                              €20
         annual marking costs (250 working days)        €25,000                           €5000
         savings per year/shi                                           €20,000

     Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
     Technical data subject to change.     
     Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.                            297

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