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P. 463

Turning tools \ ISO clamp holders for external machining
                                                                              Tool design  Right     Le
           ISO name  h=h1 (mm)   b (mm)     l1 (mm)    l2 (mm)     f (mm)  Suitable for in-  17825...  17825...
                                                                           dexable inserts  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
         CKJN R/L 2020   20        20        125         34         30      KNUX 1604..  010     011
         CKJN R/L 2525   25        25        150         34         32      KNUX 1604..  015     016
         CKJN R/L 3225   32        25        170         34         32      KNUX 1604..  020     021
         CKJN R/L 3232   32        32        170         34         40      KNUX 1604..  030     031
          Prod. Gr. 107
                          DCLN R/L clamp holder, negative  ( DIN 4983 )
                          For facing and longitudinal turning using CN indexable inserts

         Application:                      system, type C, working angle 95°, tip angle 80°,
        For face and longitudinal turning with CN indexable   clearance angle 0°
        insert, 80°.
        Execution:                         Universal use for face and longitudinal turning with
         Ident. No. 010, 015, 017, 019, 021: Precision-man-  large feed depths and unfavourable conditions
         ufactured steel support, burnished, hardened,    Negative geometry of the body ensures good
         adjustable clamping system, type C, working angle   stability and force absorption at large cutting
         95°, tip angle 80°, clearance angle 0°  depths                             Ident. No. 010, 015, 017, 019, 021
         Ident. No. 011, 016, 018, 020, 022: Preci-   Broad range of use: suitable for both fi nishing and
         sion-manufactured steel support, burnished,   roughing operations                  b
         hardened, adjustable clamp, adjustable clamping   Adjustable clamp minimises vibrations and ensures  f  h1  h
                                           good force transfer                 l2   l1

                                                                              Tool design  Right     Le
           ISO name  h=h1 (mm)   b (mm)     l2 (mm)    l1 (mm)     f (mm)  Suitable for in-  17826...  17826...
                                                                           dexable inserts  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
         DCLN R/L 2020                                                                010        011
            K12         20         20         28        125         25      CN.. 1204..
         DCLN R/L 2525   25        25         28        150         32      CN.. 1204..  015     016
         DCLN R/L 3232   32        32         28        170         40      CN.. 1906..  017     018
         DCLN R/L 3232   32        32         42        170         40      CN.. 1906..  019     020
         DCLN R/L 4040   40        40         43        250         50      CN.. 1906..  021     022    ○
          Prod. Gr. 107
                          DDJN R/L clamp holder, negative  ( DIN 4983 )
                          For copy and longitudinal lathing with DN indexable insert

         Application:                     Advantage:
        For copy and longitudinal turning with DN indexable    Streamlined geometry, optimised for contour lathe
        insert, 55°.                       work with large feed depths and unfavourable
        Execution:                         Negative geometry of the body ensures good
         Precision-manufactured steel support, burnished,  stability and force absorption at large cutting
         hardened, adjustable clamping system, type D,   depths
         working angle 93°, tip angle 55°, clearance angle    Broad range of use: suitable for both fi nishing and
         0°                                roughing operations                       Ident. No. 100, 105, 110, 115
                                           Adjustable clamp minimises vibrations and ensures
                                           good force transfer
                                                                            f               b
                                                                                             h1     h

                                                                              Tool design  Right     Le
           ISO name  h=h1 (mm)   b (mm)     l2 (mm)    l1 (mm)     f (mm)  Suitable for in-  17826...  17826...
                                                                           dexable inserts  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
         DDJN R/L 2020   20        20         30        125         25      DN.. 1104..  100     101
         DDJN R/L 2525   25        25         30        150         32      DN.. 1104..  105     106
         DDJN R/L 2020   20        20         34        125         25      DN.. 1506..  110     111
         DDJN R/L 2525   25        25         34        150         32      DN.. 1506..  115     116
          Prod. Gr. 107

     Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
     Technical data subject to change.     
     Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.                            463

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