Page 746 - Icon Ridge Presents ATORN
P. 746

Hand tools \ Electronics cutters
                          ESD precision electronics angled and pointed cutters

         Execution:                        Box joint design for optimal maintenance-free
         Glossy polished steel surface: proven and reliable  guidance of jaws – silky-smooth action and long
         fi nish.                           service life, overlapping of blades avoided.
         no risk to circuitry or components due to fl aking   Ident. No. 080: angle cutting pliers ideal for hori-
         off  of chrome                     zontal and vertical application
         ESD-compatible 2-component handles with wide   Ident. No. 090: tail angle cutting pliers with
         and non-slip contact surface      slender jaws                                 Ident. No. 080
         inductively hardened blades facilitate easy and
         sharp cutting with maximum service life  Technical data:
         double leaf springs inserted and wear-resistant   Surface: Bare
                                           Material of the grip handle: 2-component plastic
         guarantee uniform action

                                                                                        Ident. No. 090
         Length (mm)                                          120                           130
         Max. so   wire Ø cutting capacity                    1.2                           0.8
         Head design                                   Straight | With small grind  Pointed head | With small grind
         53028...                        Ident. No.          080                           090

          Prod. Gr. 597

                          ESD precision electronics long-nose, fl at and round-nose cutters

         Execution:                                        Ident. No. 110: pointed pliers with curved, short and smooth jaws
         glossy polished steel surface: proven and reliable fi nish.   Ident. No. 120: fl at nose pliers with short and smooth jaws
         no risk to circuitry or components due to chrome fl aking off    Ident. No. 130: round-nose pliers with short and smooth jaws
         ESD-compatible 2-component handles with wide and non-slip contact surface   Ident. No. 140: pointed pliers with long, straight jaws with cut
         box joint design for optimal maintenance-free guidance of jaws -
         silky-smooth action and long service life.      Technical data:
         inserted double leaf springs and wear-resistance guarantee uniform action   Surface: Bare
                                                           Material of the grip handle: 2-component plastic
         Ident. No. 100: pointed pliers with straight, short and smooth jaws

                                                                                            Ident. No. 140
                 Ident. No. 100           Ident. No. 110          Ident. No. 120–130

         Length (mm)                    130            130            130            130            155
         Jaw design                Flat, round | Smooth  Flat, pointed | Smooth  Flat, wide | Smooth  Round | Smooth  Flat, pointed | Fine
         53028...          Ident. No.  100            110             120            130            140

           Prod. Gr. 597

     Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
     Technical data subject to change.     
     Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.                            746

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