Page 568 - Industrial Tools Catalog (2)
P. 568

General requirements \ Hand-held and electric staplers
        Limb length (mm)                                6           8          10         12         14
                    Clip type  Form
        56630...    A          Round         Ident. No.  306       308        310        312         314
        56630...    G          Flat          Ident. No.  406       408        410        412         414
        Prod. Gr. 576
                       Spark plug brushes
                        Brass, stainless steel or nylon edging
                  Ident. No. 500–510

                                                     Ident. No. 520                    Ident. No. 530
        Material of the wire               Brass             Brass          Stainless steel      Nylon
        Number of rows (PCS)                3                 4                 3                 3
        Length (mm)                        150               200               150               150
        Length of bristles (mm)             15                18                15                15
        Wire Ø (mm)                        0.15              0.15              0.15              0.30
        56710...             Ident. No.    500               510               520               530
        Prod. Gr. 598
                       File brush
                        File brush band, bonded
        Execution:                        ƒ Brush strip size: 115 x 40 mm
          ƒ File brush band, stuck on
        Length (mm)         250
        56720...  Ident. No.  500
        Prod. Gr. 598
                       Wire hand brushes
                        Steel, stainless steel and brass wire

        Application:                      Technical data:
        For cleaning cast iron pieces, files and for brushing a   ƒ Length of bristles: 25 mm
        wide array of parts and surfaces.  ƒ Wire diameter: 0.3 mm
                                          ƒ Length: 290 mm
        ƒ Body made of certified beech wood

        Number of rows (PCS)                 1          2           3          4          5           6
        Width (mm)                           15         22         30          35         40         45
                    Material of the
        56725...    Steel         Ident. No.  510       520        530        540        550         560
        56726...    Stainless steel  Ident. No.  510    520        530        540        550         560
        56727...    Brass         Ident. No.  -         520        530        540        550          -
        Prod. Gr. 598

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        1370  Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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