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The Life of Austin
Once upon a time, there was a filthy
house in the middle of a desolate forest.
There lived a mother with her son
named Austin. All the items in the house
were ramshackle. One bright, sunny day,
tears began oozing out of Austin’s eyes
and he started hobbling towards his
house in pain. There, in his leg was a
very bad wound. He reached his home.
But, on his way home he met a repulsive woman who tried to hit him. It was
nighttime, so it was murky. When Austin reached home he and his family were
famished. They were so famished that it was indescribable. Mostly, Austin used
to scuttle and squeal many times while he was famished. The next day, Austin
met a boy that was menacing because of the fright of the horrible, scary night.
The name of the boy was Steve. The boy Austin met was an imbecile. Steve told
Austin that he was enthralled. Both boys were in pandemonium. Suddenly,
something ran past both the boys! They were very flabbergasted by the animal
that they had just seen. It looked like it was a huge cheetah or a tiger.
-Aarohan Dhakal
Sam-the Confused One
There was a boy named Sam. He was very agile. He was also very lazy and his
mother forced him to go and forage. When he got a weird, slimy creature, his mom
asked what it was. He shrugged and said he didn’t know what it was. His mom told
him to go back and bring something else, but he reluctantly said no. His mom
threw him out of the house. He embarrassed himself by squirming around the
road. He saw the same creature glaring at him. He was frantic about the creature
hurting him so he went to search for it. He realized it was tranquilized so he took it
to the vet. But the vet was busy haggling with someone else.
-Yeshe Vajra Sherpa